Chapter 11- (not) fine

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IMPORTANT MESSAGE!- at the end of this chapter, there will be an important message, so if you skip those, you might want to read it. 😊

Sammy and I start walking out of the air port, and we start walking for about 15 minutes before I break the silence.

"Wait where is the hotel?" I ask

"Oh ya we never got the address." Sammy says

"I'll face time Jack hold up." I respond

I text him

Hey asshole I'm going to FT you so pick up ur fucking phone😊.

I see he reads it then I start to face time him. He fortunately answers it.

"Hey you were actually a good brother for once in your life and answered my call." I say sarcastically

"I should win an award." He says really proud of himself

"You know you'd be a really good brother of you came back and got Sammy and I." I say batting my eyes.

"I'm not that good of a brother." He says laughing.

"Asshole." Sammy says from behind me.

I turn around, "I agree," I say to Sammy. I turn back to the camera."ok well at least give us the address."

"Like I just said I'm not that good of a brother."

"Your such and asshole. What do I have to do to get you to give me the address?"

He puts his finger on his chin and thinks about it.

"Let's play a little game of truth or dare."

"Ok?" I question.

"Ok so truth or dare?" He asks me.

"Do you really have to ask me?" I say in a duh tone.

"No." He laughs, "ok I dare you to......oh I know, you have to kiss Sammy."

"Ok." I say and shrug my shoulders.

I go over to Sammy I go on my tippy toes and I put my hand on his shoulder, so I can have some balance.

I try to reach him but I can't.

"You know I'm not that tall, bend down." I say.

That's makes Sammy and everyone on the other end of the call laugh.

But Sammy manages to bend down enough so I can reach.

My lips lightly brush his cheek before Jack stops me.

"I said kiss him." He says

"I am." I respond a little annoyed.

"Kiss him."

"I am."

"No," he says then he makes a duck face.

"Like an actual kiss?"

"Uh duh. I did something I know you wouldn't do."

I whip my head towards the camera.

"Are you doubting me?" I say smiling

"You know it" he says smirking back

"I would've done it, but now since your doubting me I motivated to do it even more."

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