Chapter 19- birthday (dinner/hotel-part 5)

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Jays POV

while we are seated the waiter comes and asks what we would like to drink.

We all tell him, and shortly after he returns with our drinks and asks what we want for dinner, we give him our order and continue chatting.

I excuse myself from the table so I can pee, and also because things between Jack and I get weird.

But Jack decides to get up and follow me....great. He catches up with me but I try to ignore him, but eventually he's right next to me.

"Hey, listen I'm sorry for being a jerk off brother earlier I just don't like the way the guys are around you." He says nervous scratching the back of his neck.

"They've always been that way, I don't know why you've started caring all of a sudden." I say and it comes out rude and I wish I could take it back.

"Well it's because you hated them at first so I didn't think it would be a problem, but now I see it is becoming a problem, I just don't want you getting hurt."

"Jack, I've already told I won't get hurt I'm strong trust me I'm fine." I say with a smile and hug him, and he returns the hug. "Ok now move I gotta go pee." I say pushing him off me and he laughs.

I return to the table with an empty bladder and I'm satisfied. Then Cam nudges me.

"What was with you and Jack?" He asks being serious.

"Don't worry we're good, thanks for caring." I say smiling at him

"Hey anything for you, lil sis." He says playfully poking my shoulder.

"Stop it." I say playfully swatting his hand away, and he laughs. I grab his arm closest me and put both my arms threw it as a hug, and I rest my head on his shoulder.

We all chat at the table and until our food comes and we are all so hungry we devour everything right away.

"Ok it's almost 11 and we need to get back to the hotel to do presents." Carter says once everyone finishes their food

"Presents?" I say ask confused, "you know you guys didn't have to."

"We know but we did anyways." Hayes says

"Ok to the hotel." Johnson says dramatically and pointing towards the exit.

We all cram into the limo, and the boys are going completely insane, I have no idea why though. I just laugh really, I haven't had this much fun in i don't know how long.

We all get to the hotel and all cram into the elevator. We are all talking and laughing and I notice Nash looking at me weirdly and I get uncomfortable and look away.

Nash's POV

Jay catches me staring at her and she quickly looks away and I realize how stupid and stalkish I probably looked.

I'm just really nervous giving her my present I got her. Since I know she absolutely hates my guts I really hope she likes my present and she wont think I'm a total dick head anymore

Jays POV

We all rush out of the elevator and I have to wait until one of the boys with the key comes.

Shawn comes toward me with a key in his hand and be throws it to me.


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