Ch. 1

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It was like hell as brought upon them, not literally, but it was all Valka could describe the view in front of her. Fire, so much of it covered her beloved village. She was inside her hut to protect her child. The battle had been going on for a while when she decided to lean against the doorway for a second.

Her face grimaced, uncomfortable letting the people she'd been trying to change their opinions about dragons kill them without mercy or remorse.

She stepped away from the doorway and walked towards the cradle that was by the fire. Her baby, hiccup, slept soundly as if war wasn't happening right this very moment in the village. She reached below and cradled her baby in her arms.

Immediately recognizing his mother's hold, Hiccup woke up and began babbling. He got a hold of one of Valka's fingers in his tiny hand, usually she would be lovesick and enchanted by her baby boy's cuteness, but all she could focus on where the sound of the dragons attacking the village outside.

The howls of pain, the screeches, the roars, dragons being killed. She let out a tiny gasp of fright when her trance was snapped by a loud joyful screech coming from Hiccup, who had successfully begun nibbling her finger happily.

She looked into his emerald forest green eyes, they shined with so much purity and innocence and curiosity. Curiosity she wanted to protect and guide. She would show Hiccup the good in dragons, that they are different from how people view them if they just listened. She would make sure Hiccup listened and change his mind when he grows.

Determined with the goal in her mind, she placed Hiccup down back in the cradle. "I'll be back my little one" She caressed his cheek and Hiccup giggled. She thought that he would be safe, it's not the first time he would be left alone for a little while. He slept a lot so that was what he would most likely do again.

Valka hurriedly walked away and into the chaos that was the village.

Quickly she began stopping Vikings from killing the dragons. She was careful to not be spotted by Stoick the Vast, who was her husband, chief of this tribe, and was also part of the group of people, which involved everyone that lived here, who disagreed of her very unpopular views and opinions about dragons.

After releasing a couple of Gronckles that where caught in a net, she spotted a Monstrous Nightmare get knocked out of the sky and crash near a viking. She quickly rushed over.

"Stop!" She shouted and grabbed the arm of the viking. "you'll only make it worse!" at that, the Monstrous Nightmare took its opportunity and flew off. The viking looked at the dragon flying off, then back at her. He looked at her in disbelief, and, if Valka stared a little closer, disgust. She let go of his hand and the viking ran off.

Used to the looks she would get; she was about to move on when she heard a loud powerful crash. She looked behind her and stared back at her hut, on fire.

She gasped, "Hiccup" she darted towards the hut.

She wasn't the strongest, but she was agile and fast. In minutes she reached her home. She burst in through the door and quickly grabbed one of the swords that had been hung up on the wall. She rushed to protect Hiccup, but the sight before her was one she'd never thought she'd see in her life. It was proof of everything she'd believed in.

There, on the cradle was the dragon that broke into their house, cautiously letting hiccup play with the claw of its wing. Amazed, she tried to carefully make her way towards them, but her footing betrayed her, and she stepped on a creaky floorboard.

Upon hearing the noise, the dragon pulled its wing away, the claw grazed the chin of the little one below, and hiccup began crying from the pain. With quick speed, the dragon turned and rushed towards her, but she ducked and rolled under its wing swiftly. Immediately she got a hold of hiccup in her arms.

She looked down at her baby and began rocking and hushing him, she whispered sweet words at him at that managed to calm him down to quiet whimpers. She looked up once more and the dragon turned to her again and Valka simply froze in fear.

Years of studying and observing dragons from afar never prepared her to ever be this close to one. The dragon slowly stepped closer towards her, until she hit a wall and its face was mare inches away from hers. The dragon stared into her eyes, and she stared right back at his. Slowly wonder began flooding in between the two.

The dragon's pupils went from slits to dilating into a perfect black circle. This dragon, it wasn't a vicious beast, but an intelligent, gentle, creature whose soul reflected her own.

An axe cut between both species with great power and speed. She turned her head at the direction where it came from. Stoick, he had thrown it and it riled up the dragon into defensive position to protect itself. It stood up high, flaring its wings and erupted a mighty roar.

"Valka run!" Stoick quickly moved out of the way as the dragon spat its fire towards him.

"No! don't!' she tugged at the dragon's wing, and it immediately got its attention. It began stepping closer and closer, pupils back to slits and fear flooding through her once more. She clutched Hiccup tightly to her chest.

"Hold on!" Stoick shouted. He saw the cradle and jumped over the burning wood that was once in front of him. Upon reaching the cradle, his eyes went wide with horror when he saw it empty. "Hiccup" he whispered.

The dragon jumped towards her, sinking its talons on her shoulders and with its mighty powerful wings, it lifted Valka and hiccup off the ground. She gave a loud yelp of pain. It only took Stoick a few seconds too late to process that his baby wasn't dead, and that Valka had Hiccup with her. But when he heard her scream, he turned around, and there was no Valka or hiccup or even the dragon.

He looked up in horror when he saw the beast flying off, with his family.

"Stoick!" he heard her shout.


She tried to turn her head as much as she possibly could. "Stoick!" She shouted her husband's name, not knowing it would be the last time before he, her hut, her village, her home was out of view.

Stoick watched numbly as the wretched beast took away the love of his life and his baby boy away. The most precious people in the world he cared for so deeply about were taken in a blink of an eye, in one night, just like that.

English is not my first language, my very first HTTYD fic. tags will change later on. sorry if it's short, if people like it I'll continue, if it doesn't then I won't, but I'll leave it up for those who liked it. if summary is confusing let me know and I'll explain anything y'all want me to. this story is on AO3 too, if y'all prefer it there.

Comments are appreciated ❤️

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