Chapter 8

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Kaycie was looking at Savannahs bare chest and her breasts were very close to her face.

" Open up for mommy sweetheart." She said as she moved Kaycies mouth closer to her nipple.

Kaycie started  hyperventilating she couldn't even believe this was happening....

" N N No—- Mommy... Kaycie tried to say but Savannah shushed her

" Shh Shhh sweetie... Mommy knows you're thirsty." She said.

She lifted Kaycies mouth onto her breast and told her to suckle.

Kaycies eyes went wide she couldn't help but think this was so weird and wrong.

A few drops of milk filled her mouth and she felt it tasted like sweet vanilla cream. She didn't want to drink anymore of it but the taste coupled with the gentle rocking that Savannah was doing as well made Kaycie feel warm and comfortable.

As she was slowly closing her eyes, she did not want to break from her feeding

She continued to drink and get her fill....

Savannah just smiled and she continued to feed her and rock her back and forth....


To be continued.....

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