Chapter 1

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Izuku was four when he first saw the blue screen in front of him. On it words appeared. He was confused, but fascinated. Then, when the words were fully shown, he figured out that this was his quirk, and grew very excited. He eagerly read what was on the screen, and wrote it down to remember. When he had finished, it disappeared, and a snake appeared where it had been, falling onto his head and winding around his small shoulders. He was planning on getting his mother to read what he had copied from the screen, since he couldn't read it all since he had just started to learn how to read and write at daycare. The snake was orangish in color, with tan lines outlined in black on its body. It slithered on his shoulders and moved its head to his ear, before slightly hissing as it spoke to him.

"I'm System, your quirk. I'll be explaining how I work, and helping you as we go. I will give you a task, it will appear before you on a blue screen with a time limit. You must complete that task before the time runs out and you will get a reward, if you do not complete the task in time, you will get punished. The punishment will be varied in intensity as you grow, so if you are punished now it shall be small as you are still a child. You may ask for my help at any time, I will be with you always. Understand?" The snake was now in front of him, well his head was. He was still around Izuku' shoulders. Izuku was silent while System spoke, watching it in amazement and wonder. At having System direct a question at him, he blinked and eagerly nodded. The System deemed it a good enough answer and continued speaking, ironically talking with perfect pronunciation being in the form of a snake. "Good, I'll tell you what the screen said, and you will complete the task and get a reward after. The screen said, You have gained your quirk. Go tell your mother it is called System and gives you tasks to complete with time limits. You get rewards or punishments depending on completion of the task in time. After telling her, you shall get your first reward, your time limit is 30 minutes. You must go tell your mother now, you have only got 20 minutes left." And then System settled on his shoulders as Izuku ran off with his little notebook.

When he got to his mother he was so excited he started rambling as soon as he got there. She giggled and nodded along. Doing her best to listen as he told her everything that happened as fast as he could. She got most of it, but some of it was said a little too fast. She understood he had gotten his quirk, what it was called and the snake appeared. Seeing his little notebook open, and having it handed to her she read what he had copied as well. While this was going on another blue screen appeared and he looked at it eagerly as System hissed what it said to him again. This time, his mother heard it as well.

"This one says, Congratulations, you have completed your first task. Your reward is advanced reading skills and comprehension. You will now be able to read beyond your level, so the System doesn't have to read everything to you anymore. It will take effect in 5 minutes. this is great, I was getting tired of reading it aloud already." System then slithered under his shirt and curled around him, going to sleep. He wiggled a bit and giggled as it tickled him. He and his mother were very excited at his new quirk, and she went to get her purse to get it registered.

Inko Midoriya was very happy for her son, but when he had initially run up to her with a snake around his shoulders she was a bit worried. It was a relief to find out it was his quirk. She grabbed her purse and small coat, grabbing one for Izuku as well before going to get him and leave. This would be a new quirk in the family, since she had minor telekinesis and Hisashi had a fire breathing quirk. It could be passed down from Hisashi' side, but she wouldn't know and couldn't ask him. He had walked out almost a year after Izuku had been born, telling her of a job in America, promising to call and send letters and money. It was fine for a few, then he had abruptly stopped calling and sending letters, but she still got money from him. Not long after she had filed for a divorce, and he had to pay child support monthly. Of course, she would have to tell the doctor who has to verify her sons quirk, as is the law.

The drive was filled with Izuku' excited chatter, and the gentle beats of the radio on low. The System is asleep around Izuku' stomach, well, trying too at least. The kid keeps shifting around and wiggling in his excitement. The System was getting annoyed, but refrained because it is a literal child. As they pulled up to the doctors office, which doubles as a quirk registry building, Inko had Izuku put on his coat, and grab his little backpack. It was, of course, All-Might themed. She grabbed his little hand and they walked inside the glass door on the left of the building. The sign above it said 'Quirk Registry'. Izuku was bouncing as he walked, and the receptionist that greeted them laughed a bit at the sight.

"I see he's excited huh. your quirk must have come in huh, little one?" She smiled at him, and he nodded excitedly again, bouncing up and down where he stood. The lady reached into a drawer in her desk and pulled out a small lollipop, handing it to Izuku as his mother gestured for him to go sit down on a chair near her. He happily took the candy and did so, taking the wrapper off and putting it inside his pocket as he sat down and enjoyed his lollipop. Inko got the paperwork needed to see the quirk doctor, sat down by her son as she filled it out. She had a sense of foreboding, however, as she remembered something the System had said, as she was filling out what they knew about his quirk so far. The System said something about getting punished if he didn't complete a task in time. She just hoped it wasn't bad, and that Izuku always did the tasks in time so they wouldn't have to find out. 

As she finished the paperwork, and stood up to turn it in, the System popped back out and wrapped around Izuku' shoulders again. She had to admit, it would take a bit for her to get used to the fact the System had appeared as a snake. She hoped it was actually non-venomous. Could it have venom, since it was just the physical appearance of his quirk. She handed in the paperwork, and went back to her son. He was trying not to move around as much so the System wouldn't accidentally fall. She had to hide a small giggle behind her hand as she watched this, trying to not break his concentration. 

After about 15 minutes or so, they were called back and guided to the doctors office. The quirk doctor was short, with a bushy gray mustache, goggles over his eyes, and he was bald. He beckoned them over, and had them sit down. The System kept an eye on the doctor, she noted as the appointment went on. He had them describe the quirk, what it appeared like and what they knew about how it functioned. As he stood up to get the x-ray machine set up, needing to get an x-ray of Izuku' foot. If he had an extra pinky-toe joint, and no sign of a quirk then he would have been declared quirkless, but if he had one and still had a quirk it would be declared a genetic mutation and looked over. There are other, more concrete ways to tell if a person is missing the quirk factor, but this one was used when they first appeared over 100 years ago. The System slithered over to her, and spoke quietly. 

"I don't have a good feeling about that doctor. He has a bad aura around him, like he is connected to something very bad." System slithered back to Izuku as she processed what it said. She had gotten a weird feeling about the man as well, so she would keep an eye on him around Izuku. As they looked at the x-ray, and noted that Izuku had the extra toe joint, the doctor made a comment about this not happening often. Quirked people now tended to not have the extra joint, but it wasn't unheard of. The doctor had an odd edge to his voice as he spoke though, it made her slightly uneasy. It was like he was excited about something she didn't know. It unsettled her, and she couldn't wait to get away from the man. As the appointment came to a close, they got Izuku to name his quirk. He named it System, since that is what the snake (System) had called itself. 

As they left, she felt  like they were being watched, and she shivered slightly. She would ask Izuku about changing his doctor later, right now they were going to get ice-cream and celebrate by making katsudon for dinner.

In a warehouse full of incubated test subjects, hooked up to different machines to keep him alive, All For One would have smiled. That is, if his face was discernible. The Doctor, a villain working for him, had just informed him of a little boys quirk. It seemed interesting, and worth keeping an eye on. Maybe it would prove beneficial to him and he would find the boy and take it for himself. It had been a year since his injuries, and maybe it could help heal him in a sense. This reward system seemed intriguing, and could give out anything. As it is, he cackled, which didn't help his healing lungs nor his damaged throat. He ended up coughing for a while after.

Nevermind that, he will keep an eye on this boys development, and see for himself if it would be worth taking for himself. 

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