Chapter 3

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When Izuku went to middle school at Aldera Junior High, his peers liked to push him around. The social hierarchy they followed was based on strength, so he was seen as the weakest. They found his quirk unuseful, and liked to make fun of him for it, (but some of theirs were just weird, like the extenda-neck guy, it extended but it was crooked). They followed Bakugos lead, seeing him as the strongest for his flashy explosion quirk. Izuku was 11, almost 12, and he’d completed multiple tasks, having failed a total of three since that first time at 5. He’s been rewarded with (expensive) notebooks, hero merch, and information so far. He was even rewarded a code to use for his analysis notebook when he completed a task at 9. So now nobody could read his notes, and he started to write down every piece of information that he was rewarded with. 

The police-force knew him by name now, and they know his quirk as well, so when he came by with his mother to share information they thought relevant for the law enforcement they accepted it and thanked them. This came in handy many times, since the rewarded information was mostly about future crimes. Sometimes, he’d be given information about heroes and their personal lives, as well as some patrol routes. His notebooks have evolved, and he has been tasked on many occasions to write analysis on heroes and villains, sometimes even random people (for those, he had to observe and guess, which greatly helped him with information gathering and subtlety). He has over 20 notebooks, since he gets tasks everyday, the amount varies, and the favorite task seems to be analysis.

The middle school experience was weird, as Izuku has long given up on friends. He just does his tasks to the best of his ability, and goes on with his day. Though, one of the tasks in his first week of school had him get a teacher fired, which required gathering information, (he’d finally put his amateur hacking skills to use) and send the evidence to the principal anonymously. Honestly, not that bad, and he didn’t get caught.

He gave up his dream of being a hero, not finding them to be everything he had hoped, especially Endeavor, and now aspired to be a quirk analyst. He’d looked up types of analysts, wanting to see where he’d like to go, and decided to be a quirk analyst for the heroes. The added bonus of this job paying quite well was also a factor, as analysts who were good enough to work with heroes were rare. He knows his mother is also happy about this switch in career choices, and tries his best to stay safe as he completes tasks. He hates being punished, the last time he’d been shocked left lichtenberg scars on his back. 

The blue screen alerting him with a task popped up as he was walking. He had to stop and move to the side so he wouldn’t be in the way. He walked to a bus stop and sat down, holding his yellow backpack in his lap. Looking up, he felt System moving up and around his neck as well. 

“Your new task is to go to the address provided, and break in from the window. Do this without alerting the resident of your presence until they enter the room and see you on their couch. 

Address is xx-apartmetn-xxx on the top floor.

Your time limit is the rest of the day.”

Izuku was going to jail today. He was sure of it. Not only was this breaking and entering, which is illegal, but this is Eraserheads home he was supposed to break into. System was insane, completely insane, and he was going to go to jail and never see his mom again. 

System curled up around his neck, rubbing his head against his left cheek to calm him down. “It’s alright kid, just use those skills you’ve got form your other tasks. You’ve got this, you’re smart and you’ve got me.” System told him, alleviating some of his anxieties, and giving him a little boost in confidence. 

Nodding, Izuku stood up. Breathing in, he put his backpack on his shoulders and started to walk following the directions of System. He’s totally got this, he can do this. He's just got to believe in himself. 

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