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Aiah couldn't remember a time when her mouth felt this dry. She licked her lips a few times and swallowed dryly as she attempted to roll over. The movement immediately started a rhythm of dull thumping inside her head, echoing in her ears.

She took a deep breath through her nose and squeezed her eyes shut tighter. Maybe if she went back to sleep the pounding in her skull would stop. That's when she noticed how hot she was. It was like the sun's purpose that morning was to shine only on her.

Aiah whined and rolled onto her stomach, moving her arms up so she could grip onto the pillow tightly as she buried her face in it and let out a groan. She was tired, hot, and her head was about to explode.

"Oh my god." She grumbled, finally rolling to her side to push herself up into a sitting position, eyes still closed. The comforter fell down into her lap heavily and she squinted at the brightness of the room.

"If I had a dollar for every time a girl in my bed said that." Mikha's voice was scratchy and low, like she had just woken up herself.

Aiah's eyes went wide at the unexpected voice and she pulled the covers up to cover her torso on instinct.

Mikha just chuckled at Aiah's reaction and lifted the cup of coffee in her hands up to her lips as she leaned on the doorframe of the bedroom.

"Oh my god." Aiah said again as her eyes darted around the room, realizing she wasn't in her own bed.

"That's two dollars in less than 30 seconds, cupcake." Mikha smirked at her and ran a hand through her messy hair, "and I haven't even touched you."

Aiah's shocked expression switched to a glare as she grabbed a pillow from behind her and threw it towards the doorway. It fell just short off Mikha and the red haired girl laughed.

Aiah felt a chill run through her at the gravelly sound of Mikha's laugh and couldn't help but smile. She quickly regretted the sudden movement though, as something in her head started to thump harshly. "Ugh, what time is it?"

"Just after noon."

Aiah brought a hand up to pinch the bridge of her nose as she shut her eyes and hung her head forward a bit. "What happened last night?"

"You don't remember?" Mikha raised an eyebrow, "I'm hurt."

Aiah sighed, her eyebrows pushing together as the pounding in her head felt heavier. She pushed the covers off of her and scooted to the edge of the bed to put her feet on the floor. She felt the cool hardwood under her feet and put her hands on her thighs.

Mikha watched Aiah's face turn to confusion again and she hid her smirk behind the mug in her hands.

"Where are my pants?" Aiah asked quietly. Her face was quickly going from one of confusion to completely mortified the longer she was awake.

"You really don't remember?" Mikha chuckled, lowering the cup in her hands and watching Aiah carefully.

Aiah pulled the comforter back over her lap as she shook her head at Mikha.

Taking pity on her, Mikha pushed herself off the door frame and took a step into the room. "They were covered in dirt from your face plant in the park." She pointed to the bedside table where a glass of water and bottle of Advil was sitting, "I wasn't about to let you get into my bed all dirty."

Aiah took the glass of water and downed the whole thing, along with a couple pills, in one go. She brought a hand up to rub against her eyes, trying desperately to piece together her night. She didn't remember a park, or face planting, or even how the hell she ended up in Mikha's bed. Of all the people she could see this happening with, which wasn't many, Mikha was not one of them.

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