Self Portrait

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The transition from being tutored by Mikha to dating her was surprisingly easy. Not a whole lot changed, actually. They still met for tutoring, although they now shared a couch instead of sitting across from one another. In the time between their classes with Santos they would spend every second they could together before Mikha would go into the auditorium and Aiah would make a mad dash to her next class.

They still shared gummy bears. White and green for Mikha, the rest for Aiah. At the coffee kart after art, Mikha always got an extra hot chocolate for when Aiah would show up to talk to her and Maloi before her next class. Joey was happy about seeing Aiah around more often, even if he was a bit sore about losing his place on the couch next to Mikha. But the steamed broccoli she usually had with her made it easier to accept.

Granted, it had only been a week since their first date. But it has been a pretty great week.

"Come on, Mikhs." Aiah whined, lifting up a chemical bottle and looking at the label with narrowed eyes. "It's Friday. Haven't you had enough of school?"

Mikha chuckled, turning around slowly to face Aiah. Noticing the bottle in her hand, she moved over quickly and plucked it from her hands carefully, setting it on the counter behind her. Her eyes stayed on Aiah as she stepped into her space, smirking slightly.

"What?" Aiah asked, leaning back slightly and smiling. The way Mikha looked at her was different now and Aiah hadn't figured out how to look back at her without blushing.

"Are you not enjoying our alone time?" Mikha smirked, leaning into pepper kisses along Aiah's jawline.

Aiah giggled and turned her head, meeting Mikha's lips with her own. She felt Mikha smile into the kiss before she felt hips press against hers, pinning her against the counter behind her.

"Woah there lady killer." Aiah giggled, leaning away from the kiss and sucking in a breath, "We are still in the middle of a classroom."

Mikha raised an eyebrow and glanced around before nudging Aiah's nose with her own and whispering, "Cupcake, we are alone in the darkroom."

"Exactly." Aiah smiled, placing her hands on Mikha's hips and pushing her back slowly, "So, developing now, smooching later."

Mikha sighed and turned back towards her work, "You're no fun."

Aiah rolled her eyes and turned back to the counter, fidgeting with bottles and equipment, "The sooner you're done here, the sooner we can go have some fun."

Mikha pulled a photo from its chemical bath, rinsed it off and lifted it to clip it on the drying line. As she attached it to the line, Aiah fumbled with some tools on the counter, a loud clattering pulling Mikha's attention.

"I guess I should just be happy you haven't broken anything yet. Or worse." She walked over towards Aiah, organizing the items Aiah had dropped on the counter and placing them out of her reach.

Aiah scoffed, and offered Mikha a mock pout, "It's just the darkroom. What kind of trouble could I possibly get into?"

Mikha smiled wickedly, slowly moving closer to Aiah. She danced her fingers up the brunette's arm, her eyes locked on her lips, "Oh I have all kinds of ideas about that."

Aiah bit her lip and in an effort to hide her growing smile, "You are unbelievable."

Mikha leaned in to kiss her but Aiah slid sideways, causing Mikha to stumble into the counter. She snapped her head towards Aiah with a questioning look that turned to a glare when she saw Aiah's pleased smirk.

"Develop now." Aiah blew Mikha a kiss and sauntered towards the door, "Smooching later."

Mikha heard Aiah giggle as she left the darkroom and couldn't help but chuckle to herself. That girl was constantly surprising her, and the more time she spent with her having her walls down, made her question why she had built them so high to begin with.

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