Waylens Not So Secret Diary.

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Chapter Six

I've always been known as just Raiden kid brother just because I looked just like him but had nothing common with him, while he made shit grades in school he was charming, and a people's person made friend easily, could get into any sport easily if he wanted to, join any conversation as if he was there from the beginning an no one would notice.

But me God was I different but not any of the good ways you would imagine. I made good grades and was in the top 5 in my class rank, on the student council for my grade, and was class president the year before, in 5 different clubs and did volunteer work skipped 2 grade when I was in 7th grade and was a freshman last year now i'm a sophomore at 13 going on 14.

But all people still saw me as was Raidens' kid brother, all my friends or well acquaintances weren't my age an knew Raiden before me so they wouldn't get it, all my teachers had Raiden before me and even though I was far smarter then him by a long shot he was still the better brother. So I stopped trying, not academically no, just at trying make friends or talking to people and even tho my old friends are now freshman and try to talk to me during lunch I just avoided them and sit outside. I know I'm a bit dramatic but it's not like people will actually understand what it's like. So why bother make friends if all I'm going be seen as a kid or just someone's brother.

How I thought it was going to go until this weird kid Jake with a C comes along last period sits next to me, there's a million other seat he could've taken but he decided to sit next to me why I'm not sure.

I soon found out he's from Alaska and his dad isn't in the picture, why he moved, he didn't say why his dad wasn't there, but I knew it was a touchy subject so i didn't pushed for more and let it be.

He also skipped a grade and had classed with my brother who was a junior, instead of that normally upsetting me he didn't even bat a eye when I said oh yeah Raiden my brother, like it wasn't a big deal and that made me leap with joy because for the first time I wasn't seen as just one thing.

We started hanging out more and even though we don't have lunch together we fine time to hang out after school and during our free period. Which i started spending behind the school with him instead of the library like I normally would.

It was going great being friends with someone close in age and had a lot in common until he found my small note book I usually kept in pocket for lunch he had read it without know who it belonged to at first and was that one hell of a conversation to have.

" I know it's not none of my business but, um well how do I say this how come you do this"he asked scratching his nape holding my book out towards me nervously. I gulped thinking of a lie that would be believable.
"Well it's cause of a diet thing I have to do due to medical issues I've had since I was younger, it's hard to explain." I answered grabbing the book not to noticeably hurriedly and stuffing it in to my back pocket.
"Oh yeah that makes sense was worried for a second but yeah I understand If you need too,well I gotta go see you later" he said grabbing his bag off the ground next to his feet an running off to his class.

It's not like I lied to him, it technically is a diet method and kinda a medical thing. I mean how do you explain to someone you barely know you Calorie count because you feel that's the thing you have control over and you feel fat if you don't do it other wise. Yeah that'd go splendidly, not happening, this will always be my dirty little secret.

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