04 what a shame she's fucked in the head

17 1 0

October 5, 2021

"What?" I say

"yeah.." she says

"that's in a year why are you mentioning this now?" I ask

"I don't know, I feel like you're a person I can trust" she tells me

"Okay that's fine" I say

"Okay.." she says

"Are you okay?" I ask

"No not really" she says and then starts crying

"Oh Tay don't cry" I tell her

"I just miss you so much and I can't do this without you." She tells me

"Whenever you want just come over here, it's really not a problem and it's better for me" I tell her

"I'll think about it.... Well when do you start filming" she asks

"in two days, we have the weekend off and start Monday." I tell her

"Okay that's good. I love you so much sis and I miss you" she tells me

"I miss you too. Tell the cats I say hi" I say goodbye and then hang up

I sigh and flop onto my bed. Why'd Walker have to get a girlfriend now?

I then have a great idea, I'm gonna stalk her. Okay that might sound a little weird but I just wanna see her instagram page.

 Okay that might sound a little weird but I just wanna see her instagram page

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what is she doing partying? Walker doesn't like people who party hard. jeez she is really pretty... walker probably loves her so much cause she is pretty, i don't really think im pretty

"Hey June why'd you come inside so quickly?" Walker asks as he comes into my room while I turn off my phone and throw it on the bed

"I-I uh no reason" I say

"okay.." walker says suspiciously

"I uh are you okay?" I ask him

"um yeah I'm fine, why are you asking?" He says

"oh no reason.." I say

"okay well Dior said we are going to dinner so get ready" he tells me

"okay" I say

I then go get ready, I put on some light makeup and a black sweatshirt with black pants and a black bow in my hair. I put my hair in a half up half down and step out of Dior, Leah, and I's room.

"Wow uh.." walker says as he looks at me

"you good?" I ask

"Yeah, yes, totally fine and good" he says while holding a thumbs up

"okay then let's go" i say as we both walk outside

"get in the car shitheads" dior said

we both run over to the car laughing as if we were little kids.

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