07 flashback when you met me

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while i wait i think about when me and walker met. it was right before my sister hid for a year..

february 10, 2016

"okay june we are gonna go to the park! you and me. mom and dad are gonna stay home" my sister said

"okay sissy! thank you for taking me." i said

"of course juney" she said

once we had arrived at the park i ran straight to the swings

i then grab one of the swings and another short boy with blonde curly hair grabbed the same one

"oh sorry" i say

"oh it's okay, um you can go on and i can push you?" he asks

"okay! and then i can push you!" i say

"sure!" he responds

"what's your name?" i ask

"it's walker." he says

"oh cool my name is june, like the month." i say

"ooh cool my favorite month is june cause school ends that month." he says

"ooh me too!" i say

and then the rest was history

"yo june i'm done" walker then says

"okay let's go" i say

"um can we pretend that you didn't see that" he said

"see what?" i say jokingly

"okay whatever" he says while rolling his eyes. once we got to the car dior said to us, "you both took so long"

"yeah sorry i was changing" walker said

"he took like a million years it was so annoying" i say rolling my eyes

"oh shut up" walker then played push me. i jokingly flew and started bursting laughing

"how dare you!" i say

"oh sorry" walker says not meaning it

"okay cut it out you too" dior said

"what it's a joke it's not like i actually hate him" i say

"yeah we do it all of the time" walker says. dior ignores us and starts driving back. leah is in the front seat and aryan is sitting in the window seat. i'm sitting on the other middle seat and walker is sitting in the middle. yet again i think about more memories..

june 20, 2021

final game of the little league world series. they just got three singles, bases loaded, 3-2 count, and a 6-7 game and we were winning in extras and we are the home team. my coach huddled us to talk about what we were gonna do.

"angelina what are you gonna throw?" my coach asks me

"screw? no drop. i don't know" i say all down on myself when i hear

"you got this ang! all you kid you got it" walker my best friend said

"well you're doing a screwball i know you can do it kid we are all counting on you" my coach said

i took a deep breath and everyone went back to their positions. i took one last deep breath and the catcher called a screwball. i was doing my motion. everything felt like it was in slow motion

i threw the screwball perfectly and it moved just like it was supposed to and the girl swung, and she missed! i threw my glove up in the air i was so happy and all of the girls ran over to me and hugged me. everyone was cheering for us. it felt so magical.

"june... june" walker said and then i snapped out of my deluluness

"huh what" i said

"you spaced out for like 5 minutes" he said

"oh yeah sorry about that" i said

"okay well we are here" he said

"oh okay let's go then" i then step out of the car and shut the door. me and walker are walking really close to each other and then our hands touch. i looked at him and he was blushing, i couldn't help but blush myself as well. then we arrive at the door and walk inside. i then run up to my room and jump on my bed.

i then ran over to walker even before they even handed us the trophy. i gave him such a big hug.

"i'm so proud of you june you were amazing" he said in the hug

"thank you" i said

why do i have to think about this all of the time. i really need to stop...

i get a call interrupting my thoughts and i see it's my sister

"hey sis" i say

"hey june i just wanted to check up on you what's going on?"

"everything's good we finished filming for the day and for the next couple months we do like the same thing almost every day" i say

"oh that's good and bad? haha i really miss you" she says

"i miss you too" i say

"well at least it's going sort of good" she says

"yeah, well enough about me what's up with you and the cats?" i ask

"oh im doing better than i ever was" she lied

"oh that's good sis" i said

"yeah it is, but i have to tell you something" she said

"yeah sis?" i say

"so you know john" she says

"uh yeah, which one" i say

"uh old john" she says. i stay silent

"well um i say him at a uh award show and um. i wrote a song.." she says

"i uh" i say lost for words

"and it's called would've could've should've. and i wrote it with aaron" she said

"im listening" i say

"it just brought back so much and i got like overwhelmed" she said

"i understand sis. do you wanna send it?" i ask

"i will." she says

"go to sleep sis it will make you feel better or do something with joe" i said

"okay thank you i love you so much" she said

"i love you too"

word count- 956 words


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