Vampires vs. Demons Season 3 Episode 2: Dark Deception

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New Orleans, Louisiana.

Hakeem was melting down metals and constructing them to build new cars. Mike came towards to him.

Mike:" Mr. Wilde, May I talk to you for a minute?"

Hakeem:" Yeah sure. Wassup?"

Mike:" You not from around here aren't you?"

Hakeem:" No. I've just moved here just a couple of months ago."

Mike:" Mhm. Yesterday I offered up some food and you turned it down."

Hakeem:" Respectfully I did. I wasn't hungry."

Mike:" Right. Right."

Mike was looking at him suspiciously.

Mike:" There have been some weird things going around here lately. Murders on the loose. A 15 year old girl was missing yesterday. You happen to know anything about that?"

Hakeem:" What are you implying?"

Mike:" I'm asking the questions here Mr. Wilde. Your kind always-"

Hakeem:" My kind? And by all means, what da fuck do you mean by my kind?!? Huh? Say it!"

Cracks began to appear in the ceiling as Hakeem was getting more aggressive.

Hakeem:" I dare you to say it to my face!"

Mike:" I don't like ya attitude and I damn sure don't want your nigg-"

Gabriel cut in between them.

Gabriel:" Whoaa whoaaa hey everyone relax! Mike, Hakeem just want to work just like everyone else here. No one here committed murder."

Mike:" I'm watching you boy!"

Hakeem:" Yeah well at least I ain't a lil boy down there. You may need to go get that check out."

Mike covered his private parts and walked off.

Gabriel:" What the hell was that dude?"

Hakeem:" I don't know but he tripping! And what the hell is going on here? A 15 year old girl missing? Murders? Where's the police?"

Gabriel:" Shhhh. Keep your voice down. Many people around here are sensitive about these things now n days. We'll talk later. Meet me at the Shake N Bake after work."

Hakeem:" Gotchu."

Meanwhile in Houston....

Trinity:" Want some coffee?"

Marcus:" *chuckles* I want my sister to tell me about the silverlight."

Trinity:" You know what that saying goes, the truth shall set you free?"

Marcus:" Yeah?"

Trinity:" Well in this case, The truth shall bring you pain."

Marcus:" Trust me, I've been living with insomnia for months now. I can hear voices, and see things that have happened. I can see souls that still linger on earth."

Trinity:" All because of that thing you're holding?"

Marcus put the sword on the table.

Marcus:" Yes now tell me."

Trinity sat down.

Trinity:" Fine. I'll tell you. During the Vietnam War, our granddad fought in battle with great wit but he realized his comrades were badly injured and realized they were losing, he prayed about needing a sign after taking a step backward to help his friends. After going back out onto the battlefield, Granddad was shot in the chest, right over his heart. This was when a tall man with long dark curly hair and a red and black cape stood over him."

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