Vampires vs. Demons Season 3 Episode 5: DeMarius The Archangel

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Underneath the Capitol of Romania 🇷🇴

The Priest was working on the Holy Bomb.

Michael:" How's the progress Priest?"

The Priest:" It's going well my lord. We just need a few upgrades and test it to see how it works."

Michael:" Do you deny my work Priest?"

The Priest:" No my lord."

Michael:" Good. Then, My work doesn't need no testing. Carry on with the device. I will make sure our arrangements are in tact."

Michael flew away. Meanwhile, Gabriel and The Phour were going through the forest.

Gabriel:" Wait right here. They aren't so..friendly with strangers."

Hakeem:" Neither are we."

Gabriel:" Just stay here."

Gabriel went on ahead while they waited patiently. As soon as Gabriel stepped through...everyone instantly pointed their weapons at him.

Gabriel:" Whoa! Whoaaa! Whoaa!!"

DeMarius:" It's been a long"

Gabriel:" Brother."

DeMarius:" Everyone drop your weapons. Unfortunately his family."

Gabriel:" I didn't know you were an outcast."

DeMarius:" There are a lot of things you didn't know about me."

Gabriel:" Listen, I know you're mad-"

DeMarius approached him aggressively.

DeMarius:" MAD! I am wayyyy past mad! You didn't even come looking for me did you?!?"

Gabriel:" I couldn't! Michael is back."

DeMarius:" You can tell Michael he can go fuck himself."

Gabriel:" Trust me. The feeling is mutual."

DeMarius:" And you expect me to do your dirty work."

Gabriel:" No. I need your help. You see what's happening. The Extermination is gathering a bunch of soldiers and hunters for war against the creatures."

DeMarius:" Don't you think I know that. I'm not out the loop as you think I am."

Gabriel:" So? Are we in?"

DeMarius:" I'll help you on one condition?"

Gabriel:" What?"

DeMarius:" Get rid of your brother."

Gabriel:" Who? Michael?"

DeMarius pointed as Gabriel turned around.

Gabriel:" Michael? What the? How did you find me?"

Michael:" All Archangels knows each others bounds. Hello little brother."

DeMarius:" Bitch."

Michael:" Ooooou, so hostile. Why all this hatred towards me little brother?"

DeMarius:" Bitch you know why! You screwed me out of heaven!"

Michael:" Ohh, I mean- Look at your attitude. It really reeks of unholiness."

DeMarius:" I'll show you unholy!"

Gabriel:" Enough!!!! Michael! Stop this! Stop this war before it gets too ugly."

DeMarius:" Face it DeMarius. Michael is not gonna stop until he get what he wants."

Michael:" On the contrary, I do."

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