Vampires vs. Demons Season 3 Episode 3: The Priest Commence.

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The Catholic Church in New Orleans.

3:00 am.

The Priest:" Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me."

Michael walks in as the Priest was praying to the lord.

Michael:" Hello father."

The Priest:" Michael!! Ohh the archangel of God. Is it time for my celebration of life?"

Michael:" No. Actually, it is time to play your part."

The Priest:" I-I can't. There's still so much-"

Michael:" Shhhhhhh. Quiet father. You know if the lord was here in your presence right now, what would you tell him? Would you confess to how many young boys you've touched over the past years..ohh how could you live with yourself."

The Priest:" I have repented many times for my past sins."

Michael:" Then do this one deed that will help you be forgiven."

The Priest:" Okay. Okay. I'll do it."

Michael:" Good."

He walked out the church.

Meanwhile, In Bastia.

Andre:" What do you mean he's going to kill all creatures on the planet?"

Calvin:" I umm...I used to work for a group that..hunted creatures and killed them. Whether they were werewolves, vampires or...umm.."

Andre:" Mages."

Calvin:" Yeah. But Michael is a creature himself. He has wings that are so large. Bigger than this whole room to be honest."

Andre:" Well, glad that you have a mage with you."

Calvin:" So you aren't upset about me being with the creature hunters?"

Andre:" I'm pretty sure you had a good reason. Besides, that was before we met."

Calvin:" Yeahhh about that...they were the ones that called me and beat me up. They jumped me."

Andre:" WHAT! Why didn't you tell me?"

Calvin:" You were going through grief over Jordan. That's why. I didn't wanna put to much on you."

Andre:" You still could have told me."

Calvin:" They also work for the prime minister. He give them the funds."

Andre:" Do you think Michael is in cahoots with them?"

Calvin:" Could be but it seems that Michael has plans of his own."

Andre took a sip of his orange juice.

Andre:" Speaking of the Prime minister. He's going to address the problems we have."

They sat down in front of the tv.

The Citizens:" No More Creatures! No More Creatures! No More Creatures!"

Prime Minister:" My amazing Romanians. The rapid growth of these "creatures" are a danger to our society. They are a danger of our health and our environment. These creatures are a danger to our country and must be dealt with accordingly. What I have in front of you right now are the solution to the creature problem. I give you a group of creature hunters. The Extermination!"

The citizens clapped and cheered for them as Andre and Calvin felt angry and uncomfortable.

Prime Minister:" I assure you all, We will have our country back. Mark my words creatures, I hope you enjoy your final days on earth!"

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