True Feelings

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They both got in the car and made their way to Leo's. Neither said anything; the silence was killing them both. As they pulled up outside Leo's, they saw Lorraine through the window having what looked to be an argument with Leo.

As they walked through the door, everyone looked their way. Birdie and Miss Paula both got out of their seats and raced over to be the first to hug Lori. Next were Luna and Zander, then Sienna and Joel and finally Leo. Kade just sat there looking blankly at the menu board. As Lori and Lennox made their way to sit down with Lorraine, the whole diner was a buzz as to Lennox being here in town with Lori.

Last they had heard it was over with them, Birdie finally had something that Eastside Tilly hadn't heard yet.

"Hey babe, you want some coffee or something to eat? How about you Lennox? You want anything?" Lorraine asked, trying to work out if something had happened between the pair.

"Coffee sounds great, mom."

Coffee would be nice thank you, Lorraine."

They sat in silence again. Lorraine had her eyed fixed on Lori's; trying to read her look she used to be able to do, but couldn't pick up anything. She decided on the next best thing.

"If you would excuse us for a second Lennox, I just have to talk to Lori outside for a moment." Lorraine said as she got up and motioned for the daughter to follow.

Lori got up an followed her mother out of the diner.

"So hon, you car to explain why he's still here?"

"Well, we were talking i got late and I told him to stay the night. I didn't want him driving back to New Haven so late." Lori said, trying to avoid Lorraine's eyes.

"Well, I don't buy it. Something happened and I know. It's only a matter of time before I find out. I always find out, you know that, dear one." Lorraine said as she started to walk inside, but Lori stopped her.

"Mom, I don't know what to do, ok? All these feeling I thought were gone, have all come rushing back so quick. Last night it felt like nothing had changed and we were still together in a way. I kissed him, mom. It felt so right. What am I going to do?"

Lorraine stood there stunned for a moment before she said; "Well, only you can decide what your heart wants. If you truly still love him, then tell him. Don't wait like I did."

They both walked back inside, Lori felt a sense of relief, but it was only the beginning.

"Ace, there's a party tonight at the pub. You know like old times sake. Conrad, Forrest, Sloane, Rhodes, Sterling and the rest of the gang will be there. Are you in, you want to join us?" Lennox whispered in her ear while Lorraine was talking to Leo.

"Yeah, I'm in." She whispered back, she knew this was her chance to finally say what she really felt.

"Mom, we've gotta go. I don't think I'll be home tonight. There's a party at the pub near Yale, all the old time friends will be there and I haven't seen most of them in ages. I'll stay at a hotel and be back tomorrow night. Love you, talk to you later." Lori said as she got up, hugged her mom and waved bye to everyone else.

"Bye Lorraine." Lennox said as he put some money on the table for his and Lori's coffees and walked to the door waiting for Lori.

"Bye ,hon, bye Lennox. Lennox, you take good care of this girl here. She means a lot to all of us." Lorraine said after hugging Lori.

"I will, she means a lot to me as well. I promise you she'll come back perfect." Lennox said before he walked outside.

The drive was another quiet one, Lori decided to do something about it.

"Lennox, I know we're having trouble trying to tell each other how we feel. How about writing it all down on paper and giving it to the other person tonight?" She asked while looking at him.

"I think that could work, Ace." Lennox said, smiling then looking at her quickly before his eyes were back on the road in front.

The day went by quicker then anyone imagined; Lori saw all of her old friends including Maddox and Londyn who were now married. In a quite time she made her way to the library and wrote her letter to Lennox.

Later that night everyone made their way to the pub, everyone frank, danced and talked about old times. Lori walked up to Lennox and gave him her letter and passed on his to her. They both found a quiet place apart and read their letters. Lennox sat down and reads his:


It's been hard for me to explain how I feel, because at this point I'm not quite sure myself. Seeing you have opened up all the old feelings, being around you makes me feel whole again. I'm sorry for not accepting and for just leaving. I felt that I needed  new start away from everything at Yale. You being one of those things I needed to get away from. I never realized though, you were the one thing I needed to keep in my life, for it to feel complete. I placed up walls so no one could get close to me, including you after we broke up. I'm so sorry for that. You have taught me so much; to live my life to the fullest, showed me what it was like to really love someone with all of my heart, most of all you have showed me not to be afraid of life or  of anyone. I honestly can't thank you enough for all you have done for me. Though my life isn't complete without you in it. If you're wiling to let us try again, whether it's together in the same city or long distance, it wouldn't matter as long as we're together. I love you with all my heart; it's completely whole unless you're here beside me. I hope that this can be the new chapter in out life that will mean we are together again.

Love always

Your Ace xxx

As he finished reading it, tears started to glow form his eyes. He couldn't believe she still felt this way. Lori had sat down to read Lennox letter:


From the moment I saw you all those years ago; I knew you were the one who was going to change my life for the better, which you did. You showed me how to love; I never knew the feeling or what it actually meant until you. You had broken down all the walls I had put up for so many years and it felt good. You helped me feel more positive about my life, as my family were always negative towards me. Being with you always felt right and when you said no it really broke my heart. I understand you had your reasons, but it hurt. I went back to how I was before I met you. A new girl almost every night, it never felt right. Friends would set me up on dates, but none of them were you. You are my one and only, always have been. I want to be with you Lori; I'll do whatever it takes for you to agree to give us another chance. I don't know why it's been hard for me just to tell you, guess I'm afraid you'll reject me, because that would hut even more. I just want you to know even it you don't fell the same way as I do; you always have a place in my heart. I love you, Ace; always have and always will.


Lennox x


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