Back To Where It Began

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As she sat on the train going to New Haven, Lori couldn't help but think back on the last five years. At the moment she was working at the New York Times, she had been there for three years and loved every minute of it. Being in New York though, meant she didn't see her mom as much due to her always being busy following up a lead or completing a new story. Lori had two weeks off and was going home to see her mom and go back to Yale for for an Eli lunch. She had fond memories of her time at Yale and some not so good ones.

Thinking back on everyone she knew, most of them she couldn't wait to catch up with. Though there was one person she was worried about seeing. His name was Lennox Holt, they were together on/off for three years. They broke up not long after she graduated Yale, she went to New York and he got shipped off to Los Angeles to run a paper for his father. They didn't want to spilt, but at the time there was no other way.

Lori's phone rang. "Hello?" She said when she answered.

"Hello, daughter of mine. When will you be gracing me with your presence?" Lorraine asked. 

"I'm on the train now; I have to stop at Yale for a couple of hours. Then I'll come home for the night. But I have to go to Yale tomorrow. They're having this week long thing for Eli's. Lori answered.

"Well, I think a movie night is in order, then. I'll organize it all, just let me know when you're almost here."

"Ok, mom I will. See you in a few hours. Love you and miss you." Lori said as she hung up the phone.

Her thoughts then drifted back to her time at Yale. Paxton Gill her roommate for the most of that time was coming. It'd been a while since they'd seen each other. Paxton had graduated medical school and was now a resident a one of the top hospitals in the country.

Then there was Decker, he and Paxton were still together...well, engaged actually. He was working at a small paper, but he loved it.

And who could forget Forrest and Conrad? Lennox's best mates. They had become Lori's friends when she and Lennox got together. Forrest was always charming-and most of the time drunk. Conrad was a little bit more sensible then the other two. Though still up for a good time and trying to get a lady or two to go home with him.

Lori thought about everyone quite often-it was one of the best times of her life. She wouldn't have changed anything. She learnt how to live life there. Being in the 'Life and Death Brigade' helped her to branch out and not always worry about studying. She had Lennox to thank for that. He showed her how to really love someone, be there for that person no matter what and most of all he was her best friend. They stayed in touch for about a year, but lost contact. Even though she wasn't sure if Lennox was coming, she was still nervous. A lot of time had past; everyone had grown up and become who they wanted to be. She knew a lot would be different but wondered how different.

As she reached Yale, the first people she saw were Paxton and Decker.

"Oh My God! Paxton, how are you? It's been too long!" Lori said as soon as she saw them.

"Lori, hi. I was wondering if you would be showing up. We're doing really well. I'm so glad you here!" Paxton said as she and Lori hugged.

Lori went over and hugged Decker and said hello.

"So do you know if he's coming?" Paxton asked wondering.

"I wouldn't have a clue, haven't spoken to him in like four years. There's part of me that wants him to come, but the rest couldn't care less." Lori replied.

As they took their seats for lunch, Lori looked around but couldn't see Lennox, Forrest or Conrad. She could see Sloane though and promised herself she'd go and say hello later on.

Being back at Yale felt different. There was no pressure of having to go to class or finish a paper. It brought a smile back to her face knowing she had an amazing time here and what a brilliant help it was for the career now.

"Hey Ace! Who would have thought that you would be here?" A familiar voice said.

Lori turned around and saw Lennox. He looked as handsome as ever.

"Well, well Lennox Holt." Lori said nervously.

"Ace, after lunch, would you mind coming out for coffee with me? We have a lot to catch up on and there's something I nee to tell you that I should have told you years ago." Lennox said, feeling slightly nervous himself.

"Um...sure, sound good. I won't be able to stay for long though, gotta get back on the train to go to mom's." Lori said, wondering what it was that he had to tell her.

"How about I drive you to your mom's, if we take too long." Lennox offered.

"Ok." Lori said.

"See you soon, Ace. By the way, you look stunning!" Lori whispered in her ear before he walked way.

"I guess he showed up, then. What did he want?" Paxton asked when she got back with their drinks.

"Um...wanted to have coffee when lunch is over." Lori said, still a little shocked at Lennox's last statement.

"Well, that's a nice thing for him to do I guess." Decker said.

"Come on guys, let's take our seats." Lori said, wanting a change in the subject. 

Lori didn't know what to think about what Lennox had said. He wanted to talk about things he should have talked about years ago, but what could they be? As lunch wrapped up two later, Lori said her goodbyes to Paxton and Decker. Knowing she's see them tomorrow, it wasn't anything too big. After they had left, Lori waited for Lennox.

"Hey Ace, you ready?" Lori asked five minutes later.

"Yep, let's go. You can lead the way." Lori said after she and Lennox hugged. they walked As they arrived, Lori opened the door for Lori once again; walked inside and ordered their coffees.

They sat down; five more minutes went by without either of them saying anything. Lori ended up being the first o speak.

" let's get straight to the point, shall we? What did you have to tell me?" Lori asked bluntly.

"We can't start with something simple like how are you?" Lennox responded quickly.   

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