
813 23 3

126 ac, King's Landing

"Ser Criston may I speak with you?" I asked the man, "Yes my princess what do you wish to discuss." she grew a bit nervous about asking him if he was her father. Although she already knew by the longing lustful stares between her mother and Criston, she had to know if she was right. "Are you my father?" I asked quietly. He was stunned, he did not blink, silence filled the air, he cleared his throat "Why would you think such a thing princess?" "I know of you and my mother, the stares tell enough. I just needed to know for certain." I said calmly. "Was I a mistake?" I asked "The night me and your mother had 'relations' was a mistake on my behalf, but you are no mistake." I smiled a bit at his words. "Would you like me to escort you to your chambers princess?" asked Ser Criston, "Yes." I said quietly. We were walking around the keep to go to my chambers, it was just silent, I had flashed my eyes to look at him once or twice, and he'd do the same. We had finally reached my chambers, "Thank you Ser Criston, I hope you have a goodnight." I said, "As I hope to you as well princess." He said in a calm sincere voice. I smiled at him then shut the door.

I couldn't sleep that night. The thought kept lingering in my mind, Ser Criston Cole being my father wasn't a suprise, I had his nose, hair, and attitude. But the fact my mother wouldn't admit her care for the man and him being my father, made me sad in a way, my mother never lied to me, she only ever spoke truth. But this situation was different in her case. My dreams were horrible that night. "I was screaming in terror running from something or someone. I couldn't see who but I was trapped in. I couldn't move, I had been brought to a cell for some reason, I kicked, screamed, cried, I did everything I could to get out of there, but I couldn't, I was so weak I lost consciousness." I woke up with sweat and tears on my face, I was scared for not just my safety but my families. That day felt odd to me, mother came to my chambers to keep me company while helaena was at embroidery lessons, "How has your day been so far my love?" mother asked, "Boring. I had a dream. I don't know what was happening but someone or something took me and made me fall unconscious, then I awoke from my terrible sleep." I said calmly, mother was speechless, her sad doe eyes showed all the emotions she held within her. "But it is quite all right mother, I have learned to deal with them, I may have to stay up for hours just for them to go away and I have made peace with that." I gave her a sad smile, "My sweet, you shouldn't have to deal with this alone, you could sleep with me if you would like to keep them away." mother said in a sad voice, "I would love that mother." I smiled at her slightly. Then a knock interrupted the two's conversation "Enter." I said in a quite tone but loud enough for the person on the other side of the door to hear. See Criston entered, "Princess, your grace. I am sorry to interrupt but your father Ser Otto has requested your presence my queen." He said in a calm tone. Mother nodded and kissed me on my forehead "I'll be back soon, my love." I smiled at her and nodded as she walked away, I gave a quick smile to my father, Ser Criston Cole, which he had returned then stood near my chamber doors as my mother instructed him to do on her way out. I had started reading to keep my mind off the things that were happening. Finding out Ser Criston Cole is my father, the horrific dreams I have, the lustful, passionate looks between my mother and Cole, Aemond losing an eye. Were the gods trying to warn me of something to happen in the future? I questioned myself. I believe I am going mad.

- sorry for short chapter but I needed to show the weird, awkward dynamic criston and vivienne have but he steps into her life more becoming the father he has always wanted to be and the father shes always hoped for. I also changed his character a bit to the point where he is a bit more likeable than the show but ofc it wont last long 😔 anyways hope you enjoyed this strange short chapter 🤗🤗

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