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I pulled jash out of the cave ... And Pushed him against the tree...

Jash:- Ayana wait.....Ayana (he shouted)
what the hell is wrong with you.....
Ayana:- wrong with me? With me? Huh?
Jash:- yeah... What's wrong?
Ayana:- Don't you know that?
Jash:- No, i don't what are you talking about...have i done something?
Ayana:- (she raised her eyebrows)..
Oh so you don't know now...
Jash:- Will you tell me clearly??

(He said in a frustrated tone)
Ayana:- Alright then ...
(She pinned him against the tree)... I want to ask you something..

Jash:- "Go on, ask me"
Jash replied, his voice still calm, even though he found himself pinned against the tree by Ayana, he stayed patient and waited for your question to be posed..

Jash was silent as Ayana placed her hand beside him, trapping him between the wall and her body...
He looked at her quietly, his expression still mostly blank as he waited for her to say the question..

Ayana:- I sighed.... you better not lie ....
(Do you like me??)..

Jash:-"Are you really asking me if I like you...?"
Jash chuckled quietly, and he looked at ayana with a subtle smirk, amused by her straightforward question..

Ayana:- (she rolled her eyes...And grabbed his hand above his head...)
Answer me...

Jash's smirk was still there, but he slightly widened his eyes in surprise as she grabbed his hand and placed it against the wall above his head
He looked at her with a hint of surprise in his expression, but he spoke in a calm voice
Jash : "Yes, I like you. I thought that was obvious enough"

Ayana:- Oh (A faint blush crosses her cheeks but she tries to hide it from him maintaining her dominating behaviour)
..How much exactly..?

Jash's smirk widened slightly as she asked him how much he liked her, he looked at her for a moment, still having his hand pinned by her above his head.
(He thought for a moment before replying in a cool yet teasing tone.)
Jash:- "Enough to let you pin me up against the wall without resisting"

Ayana:- she raised her eyebrows....very well then... (she wanted to tease him even more so she said..) ..
"Do you like me enough to kiss you?"
(She asked with a smirk)..

Jash's eyes widened as he stared at her for a moment.... he caught off guarded by her sudden question and boldness...
He tried to hide it with a cocky grin....
"Well will you kiss me if I say yes?"

Ayana moved closer to him.. while jash was preparing himself mentally thinking about what will happen next...

Ayana:- (smirked)
"Are you sure about that"?
Jash:- More than anything...(He was excited and amused for what's coming next for him)

She moved closer to his ears...he could feel her breathing on his neck..
"No...I won't" she whispered teasingly...

Ayana:- (she pulled away with a chuckle) aww .... So sorry darling... I was just teasing you don't daydream...
(she Smirked and left him dumbfounded...)
Jash:- you little minks...
(He shouted her name and ran after her to catch up)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08 ⏰

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