Chapter 7 -The Cullen Household 🖤

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3rd Person (P.O.V)

A Few Hours Before

After dropping Wanda of at the diner Vision made his way home as he knew he would be facing many questions from his family. He pulled into the family garage where all the cars were parked apart for Edward's Volvo.

Vision sighed as he turned off the ignition and exited the car. Not bothering to grab his bag from the car he used his vampire speed to enter the house. "Family meeting". Vision called out once inside. He vamp speed into the living room with his family entering simultaneously.

"What's going on son??? First Edward called for a family meeting now you is everything alright". Carlisle asked worriedly as Vision looked at his family in confusion.

"Where is Edward???". Vision asked already knowing his brother wasn't home but wanting to know what happened in his absence as he only had left them an hour prior.

"Your brother is heading to Alaska to stay with the Denali coven for a while apparently Isabella Swan is his blood singer". Carlisle explained making Vision eyes widen. "Did her or her younger sister blood called out to you son". Carlisle asked worriedly as it was the only theory he could come up with.

Rosalie nor her mate or her siblings had told Carlisle or Esme about Vision having already found his mate in the younger Swan as they felt it wasn't their secret to share. Right now she didn't know what to think with one brother having found his blood singer in one older sister and the other brother his mate in the younger one. She just didn't want this to bring trouble to her family.

"I'm immune to wanting Wanda's blood Carlisle. I called this family meeting to tell you and Esme that I found my mate in Wanda". Vision said running his fingers through his hair as he looked at his surrogate parents.

"That's wonderful news sweetheart. When do you think we will meet her?". Esme asked happy at the aspect of adding another daughter to the family.

"Soon mother I promise". Vision said kissing her cheek. He viewed Esme as his mother since he was turned as she had been his creator. "There are a few other things I have to say". Vision said intrigued everyone.

"What's wrong sweetheart?". Esme asked seeing the worried in her son's posture.

"Wanda and I have been in a relationship for a while. I'm sorry that I didn't tell the family but I needed time to come to terms with having a human mate at that point in time". Vision said knowing he wasn't completely honest with his family but he wanted to protect them and Wanda as their minds were easily accessible.

"What changed your mind son?". Carlisle asked curiously.

"Two thing did, first Wanda isn't completely human as I thought she was back then she had a secret of her own". Vision said immediately getting his families attention.

"How is that possible she has a heart beat?". Rosalie asked wanting to know if her family was in danger.

"I said not completely human Rose. Wanda is the only of her kind as she was supposed to be a myth. She's a powerful being capable of spontaneous creation". Vision said shocking and confusing his family.

"What is she exactly?". Jasper asked curiously wondering if whatever she was could be the reason why he didn't crave her blood.

"It doesn't matter what she is brother. All you need to know is that she isn't completely human and when she is comfortable she will tell the family". Vision said not wanting his family breathing down Wanda throat.

"So you told her how our family are vampires but she didn't have the common courtesy to tell you what she was". Rosalie asked narrowing her eyes at her brother who glared at her.

"I know what she is Rosalie but it isn't my secret to tell as she already had known what I was before I confirmed it". Vision said rubbing his temple. " I love you sister but don't make me choose between the family and Wanda I will always choose her no matter how much it hurts as she is my mate and is the mother of my children". Vision said completely stunning his family.

"T-that not possible". Rosalie said weakly. It hurt Vision as he knew children was his sister's weakness and greatest heartbreak as she was never going to be able to have a family with Emmett. "She's lying to you Vision". Rosalie said angrily as Emmett wrapped his arms around her to calm her down before she said anything else she would regret.

"Rose, I don't appreciate you calling Wanda a liar we have been together for almost 2 years. She is my mate and you know we are unable to hurt each other human or not. As I said before you don't know what Wanda is just as we are supposed to be a myth so is she, she is a being of spontaneous creation". Vision said before abruptly speeding out of the living room completely angry with his sister accusation.

He know Billy and Tommy are his children but it hurt to hear his sister accuse Wanda of such thing. For a few moments when he reunited with Wanda he had thought she found someone else to give her what he was unable to.

The room was completely silent as Esme turned on her daughter. "Rosalie Lillian Hale". Esme said angrily as she had seen the heartbroken expression on her son's face.

"What, I was only telling the truth of what was going through our mind we are dead we are unable to have children". Rosalie said as her undead heart broke as she left the room angrily with Emmett's following behind her.

"What do we do Carlisle?". Alice asked as she held Jasper hand trying to ground him. He had been subjectted to feeling the the pain and anger from both Rosalie and Vision. She didn't know what they were going to do as both her siblings have always been close.

Alice was angry and worried as her vision's were no help. She is unable to see her brother or Wanda's future and anytime she looked in any of her siblings future it would go blurry if Vision himself was intertwined with them.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14 ⏰

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