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Percy and Amaya continued their journey through the massive hotel. They had probably only been walking for about 10 or so minuets when they came across an area crowed by little kids. With her eyebrows furrowed Amaya ventured further into the space as she dragged Percy behind her by their interlocked fingers. Confusion washed over her as she witnessed just how many kids where actually there.

Why are there so many, she thought as her eyes skimmed over all of them. This is practically a cassino and there's like over a hundred kids running around here, what the hell is going on.

Percy tugged on Amaya's hand pulling her back so that she was stood in front of him. He placed his hands on either one of her shoulders forcing her to look away from all of the small kids.

"Why are there so many children here?" He asked her as their eyes locked together.

"I-I have no idea." Amaya whispered breathlessly, partly from their closeness and partly from how taken aback she was at the sheer number of kids.

Before either teen could say something, a small kid probably around 9-10 years old with pale skin and dark hair covering his forehead smashed into Amaya's back. Amaya dispatched herself from Percy's grip so that she could confront who every had just rudely bashed into her.

As soon as the daughter of Hades turned around to face the kid all air from her lungs left. Amaya was frozen in her spot; she was stuck staring at this poor kid. Something about him was just so familiar to the girl. Why was it that she was so drawn to this kid?

Percy, who was watching the interaction, was very confused. He had never seen someone unsteady Amaya like this little kid just had. The blonde boy came to stand next to Amaya, placing his hand on her lower back for support and to try to take her out of the state she was stuck in.

"Uh... I'm sorry?" The kid apologised; he was confused as to why this random girl was staring at him with such intent.

Hearing the kid speak snapped Amaya out of her daze. "Oh, o-of course, no problem." She stuttered.

"It's fine if you haven't but um, I was just wondering if you'd seen a girl a couple of years older than me, she has long dark hair, she's pale and she's about this tall." The boy asked raising his hand to display how tall this little girl was. "She's my sister, I've lost her."

Furrowing her eyebrows Amaya opened her mouth to reply but Percy beat her too it. "Umm, no, we haven't, sorry. We'll keep an eye out for her though."

"Okay, thank you." The kid replied showing them a small smile before walking away from the pair of demigods.

Percy and Amaya took a couple steps away trying to find a place a little less crowed. Amaya still wore a heavily confused look on her face as she tried to figure out what the hell just happened.

"Amaya." Percy said, snapping her out of her daze. "What the hell was that?" He asked confused about the way the girl reacted.

"I-I don't know." The dark-haired girl responded, licking her lips and blinking rapidly. "I-I swear, I r-recognised that kid. Something about him was just so familiar."

"Okay, umm, that's strange. Do you think you've seen him before or like do you think you knew him before camp?" Percy asked trying to help her.

"I-I don't know." Amaya answered for a second time. This time her breath seemed to pick up and become heavier.

Percy picked up on the way that she was reacting to interaction and quickly took a step towards her, he was trying to ground her, trying to prevent a panic attack or whatever was happening to her in that moment.

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