Ch 451 - 452

385 10 0

C451: Make him completely disappear from this world.

Due to the Empress Dowager's prestige, the Empress could only spare the palace maid's life, allowing her to give birth to the Fourth Prince safely.

Although the Fourth Prince was born safely, the Empress did not want his identity to be made public, let alone allow him to appear in public.

In front of Emperor Shunwu, she claimed that if the Emperor acknowledged this Fourth Prince, it would mean he was unprincipled as a ruler, having secretly associated with a lowly palace maid.

Not only that, the Empress also asked her own father, Xue Prime Minister, to secretly submit a memorial reminding Emperor Shunwu not to do anything that would damage his imperial image.

To save face, Emperor Shunwu listened to the words of the Empress and her father, abandoning the Fourth Prince and his mother to fend for themselves.

In the end, it was the benevolent Empress Dowager who could not bear to see the imperial offspring killed for no reason, and she kept reminding the Empress not to go too far.

As for other matters, the Empress Dowager did not interfere too much.

As a result, the days of the mother and son in the palace were like walking on thin ice. Eventually, under the direction of the Empress, the palace maid was tortured to death.

Although the Fourth Prince was in the palace, the Empress sent him to work with the eunuchs.

Now that Nan Heng was missing, in order to maintain her own position and that of the Xue family, the Empress had to find someone who could rival Nan Qi.

Therefore, she set her sights on the Fourth Prince.

The Empress went to Emperor Shunwu and said that ever since Nan Heng's disappearance, she had felt empty, and now the Fourth Prince had no mother, so she was willing to adopt him under her name so that she could have someone to rely on in her old age.

Emperor Shunwu also considered that his two sons were missing, and having only one prince would surely be criticized by his ministers. Moreover, the Fourth Prince was still young, and he never doubted that the Empress would have any ambitions. Thus, he readily agreed to the Empress's request.

Although Emperor Shunwu had never publicly recognized the Fourth Prince, paper could not contain fire. Nan Qi's people had already investigated his existence a year ago.

Back then, with Nan Heng and Nan Rui still around, he did not pay attention to an inconspicuous prince who was not recognized by the Emperor.

But now, he did not expect that this inconspicuous Fourth Prince would become the Empress's final chess piece.

Of course, Fei Nanyu could not write so much content on a piece of paper. His account was simpler, but Mo Jiuye and He Zhiran could read between the lines.

The main purpose of Fei Nanyu telling so much about the Fourth Prince was to remind Mo Jiuye to be more careful. The Empress did not know that the relationship between Nan Qi and Mo Jiuye had soured. Once Nan Qi succeeded, she would definitely try to pardon the Mo family's crimes. At that time, with Mo Jiuye's protection, it would be very easy for her Xue family to lose their foothold at court.

Even without Fei Nanyu's reminder, this was something Mo Jiuye would pay close attention to, especially since the Xue family had just opened the Jingxian Building in the northwest. This showed that the Empress's side was already making moves, it was just that Fei Nanyu had not noticed it yet.

Initially, they also knew that one of the three officials who were enchanted in the capital was the Empress’s father, Xue Prime Minister, but they did not know which of the three mother centipedes controlled General Jin.