Chapter 2: The Missing Mascot Mystery

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The next morning, the school was buzzing with excitement about Molly's latest prank. Students shared exaggerated versions of the story, making Molly's classroom caper sound even more spectacular than it had been. Molly basked in the glory, but her mind was already spinning with ideas for her next great adventure.

In the cafeteria at lunchtime, Molly and Jenny sat together, giggling about their success. As they were enjoying their sandwiches, they noticed a crowd gathering near the bulletin board. Curious, they made their way over to see what the commotion was about.

A large, hastily written note was pinned to the board:


Molly's eyes widened, and she turned to Jenny. "Billy's missing? This sounds like a job for us!"

Jenny nodded eagerly. "Definitely! But where do we start?"

Molly thought for a moment, tapping her chin. "Let's start by talking to Principal Green. Maybe he has some clues."

The two girls hurried to the principal's office. Principal Green was a stern but fair man who had seen more than his share of Molly's antics. When they arrived, he looked up from his paperwork, raising an eyebrow.

"Molly, Jenny, what can I do for you?" he asked.

"We heard about Billy the Badger," Molly said, trying to sound serious. "We want to help find him."

Principal Green sighed, rubbing his temples. "Billy was last seen in the gym after the basketball game last night. We've searched everywhere, but there's no sign of him."

Molly's eyes gleamed with determination. "Don't worry, Principal Green. We'll find Billy!"

As they left the office, Molly turned to Jenny. "The gym is our first stop. Let's go!"

They headed to the gym, where the remnants of last night's game were still visible. The bleachers were pushed back, and the floor was littered with popcorn and empty soda cups. Molly and Jenny began their search, looking under the bleachers and behind the equipment.

Just as they were about to give up, Molly spotted something shiny near the trophy case. She picked it up and examined it closely. It was a small, silver button with a distinctive crest on it.

"Look at this, Jenny!" Molly exclaimed. "This might be a clue."

Jenny inspected the button. "I've seen this crest before. It's from the drama club costumes!"

Molly's eyes lit up. "The drama club! They had rehearsal last night after the game. Let's check the auditorium."

The girls made their way to the auditorium, where they found the drama club in the middle of a chaotic rehearsal. Costumes and props were scattered everywhere, and students were running lines and practicing their scenes.

Molly approached the club president, a tall girl named Emma. "Hey, Emma, we're looking for Billy the Badger. Have you seen him?"

Emma frowned, shaking her head. "No, I haven't seen him since the game. But you can look around if you want."

Molly and Jenny began to search the auditorium. They checked behind the curtains, under the seats, and even in the prop room. Just as they were about to give up, Molly noticed something strange. The large chest used for storing costumes was slightly ajar.

She slowly lifted the lid, and there, nestled among the costumes, was Billy the Badger!

"We found him!" Jenny shouted, pulling Billy out of the chest.

The drama club members gathered around, cheering and clapping. Emma looked relieved. "Thank you, Molly and Jenny! We were so worried about Billy."

Molly grinned, holding Billy up triumphantly. "Another mystery solved by Molly Thompson and Jenny Parker!"

As they returned Billy to Principal Green, Molly felt a rush of pride. Solving the mystery had been even more thrilling than pulling a prank. Maybe there was more to being a troublemaker than just causing chaos. Maybe, just maybe, she could use her skills for good.

And as she and Jenny walked back to class, she couldn't help but wonder what their next adventure would be.

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