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↬ Adrianna's POV

"Adrianna... do you mind staying after school to help with tutoring?" my AP Trig teacher asked as the bell rang. It was time to go and I was really looking forward to going home and watching OITNB until dinner time, but I guess I could use the extra community service hours. "Sure." I said putting my stuff back down. "Great, the students should be arriving in a few minutes, I'm going to run to the restroom real quick." she said literally running out the classroom door. I sat at her desk as some students began walking in and taking a seat. You could immediately notice how much attention these kids paid in class being that they walked straight to the back of the class and sat there. "Sorry but can you move up a bit, you won't be able to hear all the way back there." I said to one of the girls sitting back there, she wore really hard colored makeup, pink mixed with orange and brown liner, eyebrows done like my mom would do hers in her high school years. "look here miss pretty little smart bitch, I'll sit wherever the fuck I wanna sit, and you're gonna shut your trap." I figured she would reply like that. I sighed and just tried to simmer down before I made her and everyone else in the room feel my wrath. "Hey, leave her alone, all she said was to move to the middle of the class, not even all the way in front, so find your chill and don't talk to her like that, after all it ain't her fault we all in here. She's just trynna help us out." A guy sitting waaaay back replied. "You're really gonna defend this girl Anthony?! Pssshhh, wow." She said back. I was so surprised. "Who is this kid" I thought to myself as the teacher walked back in. "Alright kids, let's get this show on the road." My teacher said walking to his desk. "What show?" A student asked. All I could do was laugh as the teacher smacked her hand against her forehead. "Just assuming, but, you're not passing English class either are you?" She asked the student. "You guessed it!" He replied smirking. She rolled her eyes, and continued. "alright well any help that any of you need ask me or Adrianna." The teacher said opening up her MacBook.

↬ Anthony's POV

I looked around the classroom, absolutely no one doing anything. Literally, no pencils moving, everyone just stared at each other. I pulled out my folder along with a worksheet this lady had assigned two nights ago and raised my hand hoping to get that Adrianna girls attention. She looked over at me and made her way towards me. "What can I help you with?" She asked. She wasn't much, average, maybe below average. "Yea, you mind starting me out with the first problem." She looked at the problems and laughed. "How and why in the world do you still have this worksheet?" She asked looking me straight in the eyes. She looked like she had no problem doing that. She was a female Kanye. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well, this worksheet is from almost a month ago." Damn. She couldn't be serious. Then again, she was one of the top 10 in our graduating class. Scratch that, she was number 1 in our class. The most intellectual girl in the whole school. No wonder she was helping out during after school tutoring. "You know she doesn't accept late work... but hey maybe she'll make an exception for you and give you some points." She said starting the first problem. "Sounds good." I replied watching her. "I'm Anthony." She looked at me and smiled. "I'm Adrianna." She said, still writing out the explanation. "Yea, I've heard about you." I smirked.

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