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A few months had passed at school. Today, Louis wasn't on the bus and I missed him. I would be lying if I said I didn't have feelings for him. I mean, he's adorable. The way you can just get lost in his big blue eyes. The way he giggles. The way he blushes. He is actually perfect. I got into school, got my stuff out and sat down. Louis wasn't in his seat. Where was he? After a few minutes a teacher took me out the lesson.
"What is that?" She asks me
"What's what?"
"In your lip."
"My lip ring?"
"Oh. It's called a lip ring. see I went to this guy and payed him to shove a needle through my lip and put this in the hole. I like the way it looks. "
"Yes, I know what a piercing is. Take it out."
"I can't"
"And why is that Miss Styles?"
It would be wrong of me to say that when the teacher said "miss", It didn't hurt.
"It's new"
"And it will close up"
"How is this my problem?"
"You asked me to take it out. I'll take it out in 2 months when it's healed." and then I walked off.

That was how I got my first detention. They still made me take the piercing out. It's not fair. I only got it done a few days ago.

I can't find Louis anywhere. I guess he's not in today.

At lunch I call him to see where he is.

It's ringing, I guess that's a good sign.

"Hello?" Louis answers. He talks as if he is tired and sad
"It's H-Sarah. It's Sarah." Damn. I'm so used to referring to myself as Harry.
"Can you come over?"
" I can come over for lunch"
"That's great see you then."

I get to his house and knock on the door and a lady who must be his mother answers.
"Erm, is Louis home?"
"Yes? What do you want?"
"I just wanted to see him if that's alright miss. "
"No. You ca-"
Louis then comes running over to me and hugs me around the waist.
"Miss, I'd just like to talk to him for a bit"
"Okay. Fine. You two have 10 minutes. "
Louis rushes me to his room.
"My mum found my diary. She read the whole thing. She found out about my sexuality and my anxiety and depression. I'm grounded for 5 months. Tomorrow she's taking the door of my bedroom off. "

"Louis" was all I could say.

"I'm sorry Sarah."
"No. Don't be sorry. It's not your fault."
"I need to tell you a secret because if I don't tell you I think I might explode inside."
"What is it?"
"It's just... You probably must of guessed but you're the first person I told. It's ... well... um.... I-I-I'm g-g... I can't say it" he started to cry.
"Louis... Are you gay?"
He started to cry harder into my chest and he nodded his head.
I have a mini cheer in my mind before I realise the circumstances.
"I have a secret too."
"You know how my room is kinda... boyish?"
"Well... um... I guess what I'm trying to say is I've always had this feeling that I'm not a girl. I'm just a boy trapped in a girls body."
I turned my head over to the door where Louis' sister was stood.

And I woke up.
Had I just imagined the whole thing?

um well.. bye! //larry au//Where stories live. Discover now