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Sakura might not have lost her virginity that night but she certainly looked like it. Her body was riddled with bite marks from Naruto's fangs. Her pastel blue sheets were stained bloody but both couldn't care any less. The marks were everywhere one could think of, the only place spared was her breasts and womanhood. On her hips were fingerprints from Naruto who had to hold her down as he ate her out. 

It was something Sakura had never experienced before. She couldn't help squirming in pleasure, begging Naruto to stop but he didn't heed her. He was in his world and Sakura just had to take it. Even her chest wasn't spared from his greedy antics, she lost count of how many times Naruto pounced on her and made her yell out. If it wasn't for the silencing seals her neighbors would be furious. 

"N-Naru-" She couldn't even get his name out before her eyes were rolling. They were both late for work but a simple shadow clone could cover for them until lunchtime. Naruto was pleased watching her soak the towel he spread out. He licked his lips a smirk forever present. She was his and he was tempted to just take her completely, letting her pussy take the shape of his cock alone for the rest of her life. She tasted sweet, like syrup. She was loud but he didn't mind, he liked instant feedback. 

"Don't pass out yet Princess," He cooed as he pulled her into his arms, letting her dry hump his cock until he came. "I can't wait to have your lips on my cock." 

Sakura moaned weakly as her hips worked to get her boyfriend off. Her slick entrance played a dangerous game of lubing Naruto's cock. Her arms were covered in bloody bites but she was lost in pleasure. Naruto knew that state, Pervy Sage had ensured he knew the ways of women. Getting to use it all on Sakura was far more fulfilling than whores. "I'm spent," She whined. 

"Don't worry, I'll let you go soon," Naruto wrapped his arms around her as he rutted against her. Both chase their pleasure. Naruto came but so did Sakura, ruining the sheets. Sakura was limp against Naruto but the blonde had enough energy for both of them as he carried Sakura into the bathroom. 

After one steamed bath and chakra infusion to recover her reserves, Sakura was wide awake at the bathroom counter putting on lipstick while watching Naruto shower in the mirror. His body was ripped with muscles and no scars other than his whiskers. He was very well-endowed and standing at 6'5 the tallest out of their group. His blue eyes had gotten darker with time but they were still just as attractive. His temperament was mature but he was still the bright sun from childhood. He was possessive, evident of her bite marks that had been healed to a certain extent. Her hips were marred by his fingerprints.  It felt good though, everything Naruto did felt right, and even if she didn't deserve it she would cling as long Naruto wanted her around. 

"You're staring," He teased as he turned off the water. "Am I that eye-catching?" 

Sakura pouted. "I know you're being sarcastic with that question?" 

Naruto shrugged, smiling. "I was but come on don't look at me like that," He placed his hands on the bathroom counter, caging her in. "Do you want me to drain you again?" 

"No!" She yelled in response. "You will kill me in bed." 

Naruto chuckled, grabbing her hair to tilt her head up in a kiss. Even though she protested she couldn't complain as her body melted into his. Naruto pulled back, letting her breathe as he hugged her waist. "Maybe I will who knows," He commented airily. 

Sakura ducked under his arm to run back into her bedroom to get ready. Naruto smiled and let her go. She was so skittish and adorable. She returned to kiss him goodbye as she was dressed and headed out. Naruto got ready as well and cleaned up the bedding and towels. Washing and drying them and putting on new sheets before heading out for the rest of the day. 

He went to a new restaurant and ordered their lunch special to be delivered to Sakura at the hospital before getting a table by himself. As he sat down he felt a presence he hadn't felt in months. He smiled but welcomed it anyway after all he needed to have this conversation sooner or later. As soon as he sat down Sasuke was across from him. "You're back," Naruto started as the waitress saw them and came over. 

"You're dating Sakura," Was Sasuke's response. 

Naruto raised an eyebrow and turned to the waitress to order a few dishes he and Sasuke both liked before she ran off to put them in. "Can't even give a proper greeting?" Naruto huffed. 

"You're dating Sakura," He reiterated. 

Naruto tilted his head and a twisted little smirk crossed his lips. "Yeah. Don't tell me you actually liked her?" 

Sasuke gritted his teeth and Naruto loved to see it. Naruto laid a silencing seal on the table so others wouldn't overhear. "You know that answer damn well." 

"I guess I do," Naruto chuckled darkly. "Oh, I do." 

"Then why?" Sasuke asked. 

"Because it's my turn," Naruto shrugged. "You had her since we were twelve. It's not my fault you ran off without giving her a timeline of when you'll be back." 

"I didn't realize you were so twisted," Sasuke cursed. 

"Don't tell me you honestly believe I would be sane with how I grew up," Naruto seemed surprised. "Sasuke I consider us brothers because you could see my insanity. I guess not," He seemed saddened by it but Sasuke knew it was fake. 

"Are you playing with her?" Sasuke asked sharply. 

Naruto paused to answer as the waitress came back with their dishes. Once they were laid down Naruto started eating while Sasuke kept his arm to his side. "Playing? Of course not," Naruto seemed offended. "She knows I'm obsessed with her. She's quite willing to stay by my side. Hinata pushed her towards me I should be grateful. Once you become forceful with her Sakura turns to butter." 

Sasuke saw it in his eyes. The mocking Naruto was giving him. "I'll tell her-" 

"Who would believe you?" Naruto smiled. "You're the rogue bastard I dragged back despite everyone giving up on you. Even Sakura gave up once on you, confessing to me to get me to let you go. She was sincere then and ready to be my woman, but I turned her down. I had to get you back." 

"Why?" Sasuke sighed. 

"Because I've always hated you," Naruto laughed. "We were both orphans with high expectations but you were in the arms of the village and I was treated like a shunned dog. Now our roles are reversed, how does it feel knowing that no one would believe your words? You could run to anyone and they would give you the cold shoulder. That our friends would skin you alive for one wrong word about me out of your mouth? How does it feel to know I'm going to fuck the daylights out of the woman you love?" 

Sasuke was silent, his expression giving nothing away but Naruto could sense his turmoil. The flashes of emotions in his eyes. Yeah, that's what he wanted. To see Sasuke drowning. While he was away running around not giving a shit about his reputation Naruto toiled away, he was the world's golden boy who finally got his only crush. He finished his meal, but Sasuke did not touch his food at all. 

Naruto finished it for him. 

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