┈━═☆ Love Thy Neighbor ☆═━┈✭
✭ Details✭
Hello everyone,
Just to clear some things up, in this story all the characters are aged up a little and
They all go to the same college and no they don't have quirks in this story.✿•━┛
✭I do not own the rights to any MHA characters and I give all the credit to the artists who's art I use in this story ✭
-𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒚𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒃𝒂𝒌𝒖𝒈𝒐 & 𝒚/𝒏-
▶︎ •၊၊||၊|။|||| |
-cognac queen✭Megan Thee Stallion
-big ole freak✭Megan Thee Stallion
-505✭Arctic Monkeys
-i wanna be yours✭Arctic Monkeys
-stargirl interlude✭The Weeknd, Lana Del Ray
-all the time✭Jeremih, Lil Wayne, Natasha Mosley
-face down✭Big Lex
ミ★ Main Cast★彡
-you, 20☆
☆No pic cause it's y/n bae, but enjoy this cute blurry moment
-Katsuki, 20☆ -the neighbor
-Mina, 20☆- the best friend
-Kirishima, 20☆ -best friend's boyfriend
-Midoriya, 20☆ -project buddy
-Sero, 20☆ -bestie #2
⋆。˚ . Thank you guys so much for choosing to read my story, I hope you all enjoy it and have fun ⋆。˚ .
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šššš ššš šššššššš.
Fanfictionā® š¤. ššš¤š®š šØ ā® ā katsuki x fem!reader ā ā. Ė įµŹ°įµā±Ź³ ā±āæįµįµŹ³įµį¶įµā±įµāæĖ¢ įµŹ³įµ Ė”įµį¶įµįµ Ź·ā±įµŹ° į¶Ź°įµŹ³įµįµįµ įµĖ”įµāæį¶įµĖ¢ įµāæįµ Ė¢įµįµįµĖ”įµ ā±āæāæįµįµāæįµįµĖ¢, įµįµį¶Ź° įµŹ³įµįµįµįµāæįµ įµāæįµ į¶įµįµįµįµįµā±įµā±įµįµ įµāæį¶įµįµāæįµįµŹ³ įµā±āæįµįµįµ Ź·ā±įµŹ° įµ į¶ įµŹ³įµā±įµįµįµāæ įµĖ”Ė”įµŹ³įµ. į“¬Ė¢ įµŹ°įµŹø āæįµįµā±įµįµįµįµ įµŹ°įµā±Ź³ įµįµŹ³įµįµĖ”įµāæįµ Ź³įµĖ”įµįµā±įµāæĖ¢Ź°ā±įµ, įµŹ°įµŹø į¶ ā±...