─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
⁂𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙩 𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩⁂
-2am"Oh my god does this asshole ever sleep?,"
I say covering my ears with my pillow while i try to ignore the moans coming from the other side of my wallAfter 10 more minutes of non stop moaning I get up and head to the bathroom to find some peace and quiet
Slamming the door behind me I sit on my toilet and rub my temples with my eyes closed sighing"What the hell is wrong with him? Doesn't he have any concerns for his neighbors? I mean he moved in last week and he's already a problem"
I look up at the clock I have on the bathroom wall to see if I can even manage to get an okay night of sleep
"2 AM....I can't keep doing this" I say with a heavy sigh as I get up and head for the hallway☆
It's a great thing that the college I go to has apartments instead of dorms, they do it that way so students have their own space and can study and learn independence before finishing college
The downside is when you live next door to some asshole who can't seem to go one night without fucking some random and waking up his neighbors
I'm sure everyone else is having a great time though☆
Making my way into the hallway I can hear the moans even louder now which angers me
The girl he has in there is really selling it I kinda feel bad for her I mean it can't be that good girl... I hesitate for just a split second before banging on the door until I hear no more moans instead it's replaced with heavy footsteps coming straight towards me☆
I stand with my arms crossed in front of me waiting to see the face of the man making my night horrible and then the door swings open and my eyes make contact with the sight of a bare chest...sculpted by the gods themselves
I soon remember what I was doing and look up at the shirtless man who is now staring down at me☆
"What?" He says like I'm the one who ruined his day which pulls at a nerve I never knew I had and I glare at him
"Listen I see that you're having a great time, but I'm not. I've got an exam tomorrow and I can literally hear you guys in my bathroom"
"You're too loud and I'm asking you to just be a little quieter...please," I say calming myself down while trying to hold back the condescending tone in my voiceHe looks me up and down like he's weighing his options then he scoffs at me crossing his arms across his chest mimicking me
šššš ššš šššššššš.
Fanfictionā® š¤. ššš¤š®š šØ ā® ā katsuki x fem!reader ā ā. Ė įµŹ°įµā±Ź³ ā±āæįµįµŹ³įµį¶įµā±įµāæĖ¢ įµŹ³įµ Ė”įµį¶įµįµ Ź·ā±įµŹ° į¶Ź°įµŹ³įµįµįµ įµĖ”įµāæį¶įµĖ¢ įµāæįµ Ė¢įµįµįµĖ”įµ ā±āæāæįµįµāæįµįµĖ¢, įµįµį¶Ź° įµŹ³įµįµįµįµāæįµ įµāæįµ į¶įµįµįµįµįµā±įµā±įµįµ įµāæį¶įµįµāæįµįµŹ³ įµā±āæįµįµįµ Ź·ā±įµŹ° įµ į¶ įµŹ³įµā±įµįµįµāæ įµĖ”Ė”įµŹ³įµ. į“¬Ė¢ įµŹ°įµŹø āæįµįµā±įµįµįµįµ įµŹ°įµā±Ź³ įµįµŹ³įµįµĖ”įµāæįµ Ź³įµĖ”įµįµā±įµāæĖ¢Ź°ā±įµ, įµŹ°įµŹø į¶ ā±...