⛧°。 ⋆༺♱༻⋆。 °⛧
⛧°。 ⋆༺♱༻⋆。 °⛧
Getting on the bus I follow the directions on my map to this small cafe which is surprisingly still open and I walk inside not seeing anyone outside
Looking around as I get inside it's a really cute place, it's nice and cozy making me feel like I've been here before
I scan the crowed looking for the table the owner said they would be at and then I make my way over. Getting to the table I see what looks to be a man sitting down waiting for me and so as I approach him I tap him on the shoulder♱
"Hey are you waiting for your phone?" I ask but as soon as he turns around I'm caught off guard...
I'm finally able to get a good look at him and he looks like he stepped out of a model magazine...I don't mean to be a creep or anything but he's really hot but I remind myself I'm not here for that
Clearing my throat I give him a small smile and he stands up and I get a look on how much taller he is compared to me which only adds to his intimidation but in a good way
He reaches out his hand for a handshake and I do the same before sitting down across from him"Sorry for the late meeting but it was the only time I was available after my work" he says with a deep laugh and I shake my head
"No it's definitely okay I wouldn't have been available either with my school and all," I add
I eyes slowly drift to his mouth as he smiles and I can see the sharp canines he has and I find myself wonder what they would feel like on my skin but I quickly shake that thought out of my mind as I pull his phone out of my pocket
"I'm glad you found it before someone else did, I mean they probably would have sold it or kept it," he says while grabbing his phone, our fingers brushing against each other's causing me to blush
"Y-yeah that would be bad if that happened haha," I say trying to get ride if whatever tension I'm feeling
"Hey I don't normally do this but I was thinking as a thanks I could maybe take you out to dinner or something" he says smirking at me
šššš ššš šššššššš.
Fanfictionā® š¤. ššš¤š®š šØ ā® ā katsuki x fem!reader ā ā. Ė įµŹ°įµā±Ź³ ā±āæįµįµŹ³įµį¶įµā±įµāæĖ¢ įµŹ³įµ Ė”įµį¶įµįµ Ź·ā±įµŹ° į¶Ź°įµŹ³įµįµįµ įµĖ”įµāæį¶įµĖ¢ įµāæįµ Ė¢įµįµįµĖ”įµ ā±āæāæįµįµāæįµįµĖ¢, įµįµį¶Ź° įµŹ³įµįµįµįµāæįµ įµāæįµ į¶įµįµįµįµįµā±įµā±įµįµ įµāæį¶įµįµāæįµįµŹ³ įµā±āæįµįµįµ Ź·ā±įµŹ° įµ į¶ įµŹ³įµā±įµįµįµāæ įµĖ”Ė”įµŹ³įµ. į“¬Ė¢ įµŹ°įµŹø āæįµįµā±įµįµįµįµ įµŹ°įµā±Ź³ įµįµŹ³įµįµĖ”įµāæįµ Ź³įµĖ”įµįµā±įµāæĖ¢Ź°ā±įµ, įµŹ°įµŹø į¶ ā±...