The Doctor Part 2

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As your friends filed out of the room, audible yelling and fighting filled the hallway of the emergency room, before it slowly got quieter and quieter as they walked away from your room.

"Y/N, that's a pretty name," Jimin said as he turned his attention back to you. "Thank you. I guess those were my friends." You said as you giggled, causing Dr. Jimin to chuckle. "Your friends seem like they care deeply for you. Except for that... blonde woman." He said.

"Yeah... I don't remember their names, but when I saw her... a memory flashed in my mind. I guess I was swimming in the ocean, then she kept paddling her board near me even when I was trying to get away from her. The next thing I knew, her board came flying at me after a wave rolled towards us." You said softly.

Dr. Jimin nodded, "Yeah, unfortunately, being hit by a wild flying surfboard isn't the funniest thing in the world." He smiled as a chuckle followed, causing you to giggle at his joke. "But, I'll have you looking good as new. You'll have a scar once the cut heals, but you'll still look as beautiful as before." He smiled, earning him a blush from you.

"Thank you, Doctor Jimin." You smiled. "Ah, just call me Jimin." He smiled, you nodded and smiled again, "Thank you... Jimin." Jimin smiled at you again before grabbing a small needle. "Tell me if you can feel this." He said as he carefully poked the area where he applied the numbing solution.

You shook your head softly as you looked at him, "No, I don't feel it." You said softly. "Good, the numbing solution worked." He smiled. "Now, I'm going to stitch you up and bandage it then you can be on your way with your friends." He smiled.

Your smile faltered a bit, as he told you this. Even though you just met him, you enjoyed the presence of Jimin being with you during this scary ordeal. But, with his mere presence, you felt relaxed and not at all scared. Jimin prepped the suture kit as he looked you in the eyes.

You felt a breath of air get caught in your throat, you swallowed it down as you exhaled slowly. Jimin smirked as he noticed you become flustered under his gaze. "You ready?" Jimin asked. You nodded slowly before Jimin began to stitch your gash.

Your eyes never left his face, as you looked at his facial features just inches away from you. You felt his soft minty breath hit your face, his eyes focusing carefully on his stitchwork. Jimin could feel your eyes on his ethereal face, causing him to blush this time.

Before long, Jimin finished stitching your gash, pushing back on his chair as he examined you. After nodding at his work, he smiled. "You're all done." He said softly as he scooted towards you again, grabbing the gauze pad and some tape as he did so.

"I'll just bandage you up and you'll be good to go." He said. "Jimin..." You said softly. "Yes, Y/N?" He asked as he looked you in the eyes before putting the gauze on your stitches. "Would you like to have dinner with me sometime?" You asked softly. Jimin smiled after finishing bandaging you. "I'd love to, Y/N." He said softly.

Jimin got up and then began disposing of the used instruments that were covered in your blood in their respectful bins. "I'll give you my number once I write up your prescription for the pain." He smiled softly. "You might experience migraines for a few days due to being concussed and you might be in slight discomfort from the gash. But, in a few weeks, you should be healed."

"Thank you, Jimin. But, what about my memory?" You asked. "Well, I can't say for certain when all your memories will return, but give it some time. They'll come back eventually." He smiled. "Thank you." You smiled.

Jimin nodded and smiled as he went towards the door. "I'll be back." He smiled softly before exiting the room. As you sat in your room, your friends returned, except without the blonde-haired woman. "Hey, Y/N... how are you feeling?" The girl with the black hair said. "Okay, I supposed. But... who are all of you?" You asked softly.

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