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Arabella was a very tricky person, she always has been and probably always will be. One main thing people can not figure out about her was her emotions, what she was feeling, not even her own brother could. One thing about being brought up in a environment where you were either neglected or manipulated is you begin to learn from it, you take notes till it's the only thing you know , it's the only way you know how to react. Especially when you're locked away, being locked away feels like hiding, Arabella was good at hiding. She could easily read people, she could tell by there expression, there body language or even there tone in voice. Nothing really scared her that much, not heights, animals or even people but one thing that did was some one being able to read her like she reads people. The thought off people flickering through her pages made her skin crawl, she hated it. One way she always saw herself was like a raspberry, people complimented her or even underestimated her, mainly because she looks sweet, however the more you stay the sourer it gets and she didn't need or want people finding out about that, just yet.


Arabella hoped on board of Hogwarts express along with Ron, Harry and Hermione they were all talking about her and Harry's accident with the Aunt.

"It was a good job they weren't expelled" Hermione uttered as she groaned at Ron as he was praising the situation.

"Or that me and bells were not arrested!" Harry added on as Hermione nodded.

"Well I thought it was bloody brillant" Ron complimented as Bella smirked.

" I agree Ronald" she stated, high fiving Ron as Hermione and Harry gave her a deadly look before scoffing.

"Uses are bad as eachother" Hermione moaned which made both of them snicker as they sat down beside one another.

The journey was quite long, there was an unknown man slouched, he was there before the group of meddling kids got on and had been asleep ever since. Arabella and the golden trio where still carrying on there conversation from the other day, well they were until Arabella spotted the trolly.

"Mione come to trolly with me, please" Arabella gestured with a flirty wink jokingly before Hermione giggled.

"Oh of course!" She replied, she grabbed Arabella hand and made there way to the trolly.

As they both stepped out side there compartment and walked there way over, they were both laughing her way down the hall with one another. Arabella lifted her delicate head gently. Only to see him, there she stood quite still placed catching eyes with Draco

flashbacks, last year


The potter twins and the Weasley family arrived at Flourish and Blotts, Diagon Ally. Arabella and her brother were being praised by Lockhart, Gilderoy Lockhart. Shortly after, they decided to walk away from the suffocating crowed they had gotten them self in. They were walking in silence until they a rather heard a familiar voice coming from above them.

"Of course, bet uses loved that didnt you Potters! Famous potter twins cant go in a book shop with out making the front page." Draco gnarled at the both of them as he walked down the stairs towards them.

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