Chapter 1 - Home

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Have you ever been away from home so long that you always have a huge relief when you get home ?
Well for me I've been away from home for over 2 years, I moved from Sydney, Australia to California with my dad as my mom had thought it was a good idea since she was hardly around and at that time I was only sixteen, but now that I'm 18 I'm responsible for myself I am able to look after myself and that's why I'm moving home, I miss good old Sydney and all my friends who I left behind.

I'm walking out from departures looking for my mom when I spot her over at the left with a huge smile on her face, and I did what anyone would do, I ran for her as she had her arms opened wide "I've missed you so much" she said as she hugged me tight "I've missed you too" I looked up and she was smiling, she grabbed my cases as I got my bags and we made our way to the car.

"So how was the journey" I slept most of it I laughed and my mom giggled
"I've missed sydney" I sighed to myself
"Yeh well Darcy and Ayah have missed you, there waiting for you" my eyes suddenly brightened up, Darcy and Ayah have been my best friends since kindergarden and it was really hard saying goodbye to them even thought it was only two years and not forever.

Mom pulled into the drive way and I spotted them sitting on the porch, I ran out the car and rand to them as they ran to me "we've missed you so much Jaylah" a little tear escaped my eye as we hugged "hold it there girls, I need a picture of this" we heard the camera snap and we laughed "you've gotten hotter" Ayah winked "oh well thanks I do try" we burst into laughter, I forgot how much fun I had with these two.
"So any news ?" I asked them Darcy stayed quite and Ayah smirked "what?" I asked looking between the two of them "Darcy has a boyfriend" Ayah said and Darcy went red "wait what, oh my god Darcy, who is it ?" She sighed and smirked "Luke" my eyes nearly popped out of my head "you don't mean Luke as in middle school, blond hair luke?" She nodded "oh my god Darcy, get in there" I laughed and she nudged me rolling her eyes "use coming in ?" I walked in and they followed behind.

Darcy and Ayah decided to stay the night so we can go to school together tomorrow, I'm a little nervous as I haven't seen everyone in over two years and everyone will have changed.
"You excited for tomorrow ?" Darcy asks examining my fave "i don't know" I laughed "I mean I've changed and so has everyone else, but I'm not sure what there going to think of me" I shrugged "your still the same old jaylah just with hot blue hair and a sexier face" she winked and laughed, I rolled my eyes and lay down "I'm going to go to sleep now, it's been a long day" we all said goodnight and the lights went off.

- okay so this is short but it's the first chapter, also I'm basing Jaylah on Tigerlily (picture on top) just incase use wanted to know what she looked like.

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