Getting Everyone

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"Get of me, Tony!" said Sam Driscoll, "Sammy?" someone asked causing Sam to freeze in shock, after shoving Tony off her, Sam stood up and saw her older carer, Harper Markson, her father, Howard Stark, a blonde woman and Edwin Jarvis.

"Harper?" Sam asked, she ran towards the woman and hugged her tightly, Tony looked at his father with cold eyes while Howard and Henry engaged in a staring contest, when a man appeared, Stephen Strange.

"So, if you give me moment I'll be giving the guests their future selves memories." said Strange, Steve was staring at Howard and Peggy, Scarlett-Rose squeezed his hand in comfort, while the others just looked confused.

Peggy noticed the wedding ring on Steve's finger and smiled, he deserved to be happy, and they'd only shared one kiss so whatever they felt wasn't true love but what Steve had with the woman beside him they obviously got to know each other before going out.

"What's happening?" Harper asked, as Sam walked over and stood by Tony. "Well, I figured you should watch the future and try and prevent it while Henry and Howard learn somethings about their children that they neglected." said Strange.

The blonde woman spoke up. "Why am I here?" she asked. "Ms Maria Carbonell-Collins? Correct?" Strange asked, Tony's breath hitched it was his mother, that's who the blonde woman was, Maria nodded. "You'll see." said Strange.

After a quick rundown with names having been told along with the years everyone was from, everyone started sitting down, Harper and Edwin noticed that Sam and Tony had sat together without so much as a noise of annoyance from the other and shared a look. The screen lit up signaling the start.


If any of you pick up on Scarlett-Rose and Steve and get the idea that they're in a relationship by 2018, you're right, meaning that in Evermore he stays behind.

Harper, Edwin, Howard and Henry are all from the early eighties after their children's births, Stephen gave them their future selves memories, Maria on the other hand is from the 40/50's.

Harper and Edwin will get along, much like Katie and Pepper, Happy and Catalina, Scarlett-Rose and Rhodey, the only people who won't get along in the first movie is Sam and Tony.

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