Epilogue - Erik

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It had been a week since the humongous battle had taken place. things had changed for many of us as well. Brown was trying to help her brother understand about the night world, my former home had been sold and I now lived with the Dalcas, and a divorce was happening in Dalca's family.

I stayed in my room at their place, looking at the ceiling in boredom. The loud noises from when I first arrived had died down after Dalca's mother and brother had left the home. It was better with her brother gone, there weren't as many arguments between him or her, but the atmosphere in the home had become a bit more depressing.

The sound of the door bell downstairs chimed in my ear. "Erik," Dalca yelled from her room down the hall.

"What?" I sat upright and looked at my shut door.

"Get the door, it should be Molly." She continued to yell, the intensity of it showing she had no regards to let me be at peace.

"Why do I have to?" I opened my door and walked towards her room, looking in to see her at her desk with bottles of nail polish all over the place.

"Because," she placed a glass filled with water in the center of her desk, "I'm setting something up right now."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed the door handle to close the door. "Fine, I'll go get it."

She muttered a thank you as I left. I took the status two at a time and walked to the front door, opening it to see Brown standing there with an overnight bag in her hands.

"Hey, Erik!" She smiled and waved to me.

"Hey." I moved out of the way and let her in, shutting the door behind her and locking it.

"Is Nic upstairs?"

"Yeah, Dalca is up there." I squinted as she opened the curtains in the living room. "Shut those, do you forget how sensitive I am?"

"Oh!" She quickly closed them again and smiled apologetically. "Sorry, I forget about that."

A sigh came out of me as I glared at her. "Sure you do."

Brown just continued to smile a bit awkwardly at me before picking up her bag and walking upstairs. There was some squeals from both of the girls upstairs and talk about something called watermarble as they got together. Gosh, it was annoying. Why did they have to be so loud?

The front door clicked unlocked and opened up as the other Dalca arrived home. He was flipping through the mail as he pushed the door shut with his foot and set his business bag by the coat hanger.

"Erik," he spoke.

"Yeah?" I walked over to him, slipping a hand out of my jean pocket.

"This came for you." He put an envelope in my hand before walking down to his office with the rest of the mail.

I walked over to the couch as I opened the letter, taking not that there was no return address on it or anything to show who it came from. After sitting on the sofa, I pulled the letter out of the envelope and began to read it.

If you're wanting to find me, then you'll look in the American hometown of our number one enemy. I'm not giving up my spot as leader of the family for a brat like you. Fight me like a true vampire would.

- Erika

I reread the letter a few times, shocked at the message from Erika. My focus was taken off of it as the sound of a glass shattering and a scream from upstairs caught my attention.

"Gosh, just be rude at taking a hard moment away too." I grumbled and stood up from the couch, watching Nic come down the stairs and running into the kitchen.

She exited the room with a broom and dust pan, looking at me for a moment with an unusual expression. "Is everything all right?"

"Huh?" I looked at her for a moment, not understanding the question.

"Your face looks a bit strange. You look shaken up. Everything all right?"

I cover up my disturbed expression and calmed myself. "I'm fine. No need to worry about me."

"Okay..." She watched me on her trip to the stairs before going up them and shouting at Brown as I went to go back to the couch.

I rubbed my face and then raked my hands through my hair, still pondering the message. What did it mean, and what place was she talking about?


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