Chapter 6 - Nicolas

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When I regained consciousness, I saw a bunch of adults and other teens around me. Their faces were blurred and dark, a few I could tell had injuries upon their face or neck though. I kept seeing them fade in and out, my head pounding everytime I tried to concetrate. I turned my head slightly and blinked, I saw a pale hand clenching into a fist, the person's brown hair on it standing on end. The hand reached out and slightly stroked my forehead, I heard what seemed like the person talking to me, but it did not register with my brain.

"Nicolas, can you hear me?" This time it was clearer, I looked up to see the host of the voice, my dad. His gray eyes filled with worry and concern, I could tell more features about him now as well. He was wearing his wire reading glasses at the tip of his nose with his black hair gelled back, a few strands loose and in his face. He also had on his brown leather coat and a black t-shirt.

"Yeah, I think I can," I replied, trying to sit up. He put his hand on my shoulder quickly and gently pushed me down.

"I don't think you're going anywhere," he said, his tone was serious. Enough to just keep me in place. There were so many questions I wanted to ask him: How did I get here? Who was that person who attacked me? And most of all. What is happening to me?

"Dad," I said wearily, "Can we please talk alone?" He nodded and then looked at the others in the room with us. They observed his actions and left as he had requested silently.

"What did you want to talk about, sweetie?"

"What's going on? Who was that out there trying to hurt me? Why are we at Beau Gavin's house? And why am I getting so hairy?" I raised my hand to show him, but the hair had disappeared. "What in the fuckin--"

"Do not swear, Nic," he sighed. "I guess I should've explained this beforehand. What's the simplest way to put it?" He pondered it a moment, his thumb and forefinger pinching his chin. "I'll just go with the nickname I guess. Nic, you are a werewolf. I am as well."

I was pretty shocked, me?! A werewolf?! I didn't want to believe in such a stupid idea like that, but with all the events with the moon and all, it kinda made sense. I just wanted to understand it though, I most likely transformed when I had blacked out and when the moon touched me it was starting to change me.

"I'm sorry about this, Nic, apparently you're going to have to live through the curse as well."

I looked at him, he had taken off his glasses and had cupped his forehead in his hands. I sat up a little bit on the junkyard couch and reached out to him in a hug. He stiffened a bit, not used to me doing this.

"It's okay, dad, you couldn't prevent it. I'll learn how to control it, but I need to know how," I said as I rested my chin on his shoulder. "I thought when I was little we were called the Father Daughter team. If something happens to either of us, we will be there for each other."

"There was a way to prevent it, but I was too late to stop it."

I froze and looked at him from the side of his face. "How?" I asked while returning to my sitting position.

"Killing you at childbirth or a miscarriage for your mother."

I froze, was that the only way? If so then life as I knew, I would've never known at all. I wouldn't have met my amazing friends. "Do you think it would be wise right now to do it?"

He looked back up at me, a glare present in his eyes. His forehead created little creases and his eyebrows scrunched up. "Are you saying you don't enjoy being here? Or just thinking for my benefit, Nicolas Serenity?" I flinched as he used my middle name, he usually didn't unless he was very angry.

"I'm sorry, it was a quick thought. I didn't mean to upset you," I said. I moved back a little into the couch a bit more, trying to get away from his rage.

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