Chapter 4: Further Apart

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Melanie sat on her bed, staring at her phone. Every day had become a struggle to not check Skye's social media, to not see her posts with Lincoln. Their once inseparable bond had withered to a painful silence, leaving Melanie with a deep sense of loss. She hoped things would improve, but when she tried to send a message to Skye on Snapchat, she realized she had been blocked there too.

She felt a new wave of hurt wash over her. It was one thing to need space, but completely cutting her off felt like a final betrayal. Melanie closed her eyes, trying to steady her breathing. She knew she had to find a way to move on, but it felt impossible when Skye's absence was such a constant ache.

At school, Melanie kept to herself, throwing herself into her studies and avoiding places she might see Skye and Lincoln together. During lunch, she sat with Emma and a few other friends, but it wasn't the same.

"Mel, have you heard?" Emma whispered one day, glancing around to make sure no one was listening.

"Heard what?" Melanie asked, her curiosity piqued despite her sadness.

"About Skye. She's been hanging out with Sadie a lot, and... well, there's talk that she's started vaping. I even heard she's pressuring Sadie to try it."

Melanie's heart sank. She knew Sadie—a quiet, shy girl who had always kept to herself. The thought of Skye pushing her into something like vaping was disturbing. It was hard to reconcile the Skye she had known with the person she was hearing about now.

After school, Melanie saw Sadie in the hallway, looking anxious as she shuffled through her locker. Melanie hesitated, then approached her.

"Hey, Sadie," she said softly.

Sadie looked up, surprised. "Oh, hey, Melanie."

"Can we talk for a minute?" Melanie asked, glancing around to make sure they were alone.

Sadie nodded, closing her locker. "Sure."

They stepped aside into a quiet corner. "I've heard some things... about Skye," Melanie began. "I just want to make sure you're okay."

Sadie's eyes widened, and she bit her lip. "It's nothing, really. Just... rumors."

"Sadie, you don't have to lie," Melanie said gently. "I know Skye's been going through some stuff, but if she's pressuring you to do something you don't want to, you need to tell someone."

Sadie looked down, her shoulders slumping. "She bought a vape and she's been using it. She keeps asking me to try it, and I don't want to, but... she's my friend now. I don't want her to be mad at me."

Melanie felt a surge of anger and sadness. This wasn't the Skye she knew. "You shouldn't have to do something you're uncomfortable with just to keep a friend," she said firmly. "Real friends don't pressure each other like that."

Sadie nodded, tears welling up in her eyes. "I know, but it's hard. She was so nice to me at first, and now... I don't know what to do."

Melanie placed a hand on Sadie's shoulder. "You're not alone, okay? If you need someone to talk to or if you want to stay away from Skye, I'm here for you. We all make our own choices, and you deserve to make yours without pressure."

Sadie gave her a small, grateful smile. "Thanks, Melanie. That means a lot."

As Sadie walked away, Melanie felt a mixture of relief and sorrow. She wished she could reach out to Skye, to help her find her way back, but it seemed like Skye was determined to push everyone away. Melanie knew she had to accept that some things were out of her control.

That evening, Melanie sat at her desk, writing in her journal. She poured her thoughts onto the paper, finding solace in the act of expressing her feelings. She wrote about the pain of losing Skye, the jealousy over Lincoln, and the worry for Sadie. It helped, in a small way, to see her emotions laid out in front of her.

She resolved to stay strong, to be there for Sadie and anyone else who needed support. She might have lost her best friend, but she could still be a friend to others. And maybe, in time, she would find the strength to move on and heal.

The next day, Melanie saw Sadie again in the hallway, this time surrounded by a few girls from their class who were talking and laughing with her. Melanie smiled, feeling a glimmer of hope. She might not be able to change what had happened with Skye, but she could make a difference here and now, in the lives of others who needed it.

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