Time To Think

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(Kevin's Outfit)

<~~~~~~~KEVIN'S P.O.V.~~~~~~~>

Last night was really a shock. I was so confused. My parents got home around 2:30 in the morning while i was still up.

"Hey Kev didn't know you'd still be up." My mom said as she walked through the door. My dad followed in looking like a zombie but i wasn't really able to pay attention to that. I was still confused as to what happened only hours ago.

I was spaced out in my own world and didn't realize my mom down on her knees yelling my name while my dad violently shook me.

The tv i turned on to maybe calm my mind and help me think was static. When my mom slapped me back to reality they both sighed.

"Thank goodness Kevin...we thought you had a parasite or something. Whats wrong with you?" mom said. I didnt know how to respond so i just calmly kissed her on her cheek hugged them both and said goodnight.

I made my way upstairs and climbed into bed. My cheek was still hurting but not as much as it was when she first hit me.

The following day at school was better. I was glad that learning something actually took my mind off of things. Jake wasn't at school today and i was gonna text him later at lunch.

The school day went by really fast and i found out that Jake had a dentist appointment. He came back to school around 5th period saying his parents were talking about 'certain things' and he had nothing better to do.

When school ended i had a butt load of projects and homework to do. Jake decided to come home with me because we were partners in a science project. We worked in silence most of the day until Jake couldn't handle it anymore.

"Whats wrong Jake? You've been acting like this ever since i found you in the bathroom but now its worse." I just looked at him trying to find something quick to say.

"Nothing i just need time to think." I reply calmly hoping he believes me.

" 'Time to think' " he mocked me. " I doubt that i know you Kev and right now your either thinking about a girl or your really spooked." I didn't know what to say and i was becoming nervous.

"Which one is it Kev are you spooked?" I was fiddling around until it hit me.

"Im just spooked about Susie's death."

"The girl next door we never paid any attention to. That Susie?"

"Yes that Susie. Did you ever think of how she died and that she is this close to me i mean like what is theres a murderer on this block what if...."

"Kevin!" He shut me off. Thank goodness i chanted happily in my head. "I think i know what you need."

"You do?"

"Yes, a drink. Be ready around 9. We're going to a bar."

"We are underage remember Jake I'm 17 and your about to be 18."

"Don't worry I'm friends with everyone at this bar and its only downtown."

"Like that makes a difference." He shook his hand dismissing my comment.

"Are you in or not?"

"Do i have a choice?"

"No not really."

"Fine." i could use a drink maybe it would help me get my mind off things. After at least another soundless hour of working our science project was done.

"See you later don't be late."

"Yea yea of course your highness." I bowed in humor. He laughed and slapped my head but not that hard.

"Very well peasant...I bid you good day." he laughed as he walked out the room. It was only 6:45 so i figured i'd listen to music to pass time by while i finished my homework.

I turned on 'Pump It' by Black Eyed Peas. It my all time favorite song. After about another hour and a half i finished.

My mom called me down not to long after and told me she wanted me to run to the grocery store to get her dinner supplies obviously she was having a dinner date tomorrow with dad and her co-workers.

After shopping i returned home and put up all the groceries for her. It was 8:30. I went to take a quick shower and when i got out it was 8:45 i got ready and grabbed my phone.I was wearing black jeans a red t-shirt and my red white and black Jordans. I ran to moms room and told her i was going out with Jake.

At first she was against it because it was a school night but after a little convincing i managed to get away with a curfew of 11:00. Before i left she stopped me.

"Are you ok Kevin. From last night well this morning?"

"Yea i just grew really spaced out, for some reason it helped me release stress." i lied

"Ok baby have fun."

The doorbell rang and not a minute later i opened it and in walked Jake.

"Ready to go."

"Yea." We were driving for at least 15 minutes before we actually got to the bar and the wait was at least another 10 minutes long.

The man looked at Jake and let him go in without checking for I.D. but stopped me. I looked up at Jake and he told the man i was with him and let us in.

We sat down and Jake told the bartender something and she passed us 6 shots each filled with a different clear liquid. My mom told me that its always best to stick with clear liquids the whole night or if i drink a dark liquid first stick with dark liquids for the whole night.

Some girl walked up to us and slapped Jake across his face.

"Are you crazy Jake you left me for your childhood boyfriend." I burst out laughing she thinks me and Jake are together.

"No Lizzy i left you because you were a pain in my ass who wanted nothing to do with me but with the money i have. Also this isn't my childhood boyfriend this is my childhood friend." Jake smirked.

"Whatever." Lizzy huffed out and walked away. When she wasn't in hearing range we burst out laughing.

After a couple shots i began to feel dizzy but still sober. Jake barely looked affected which was strange considering he had more than i did.

"How you feeling Kevin?" I looked at him crazy but answered anyway.

"Im good."

"Any secrets?"

"Uhhh no not that i haven't told you." i was becoming worried i felt as if i was going to puke.

"Are you sure?"

"Yea." i said barely above a whisper.

"Ok. Just one question then if you don't have any why are you acting nervous?"

"I-I-.......... I told you."

"Cut the crap Kev, i already Know."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2015 ⏰

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