My Life (part 2)

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~~Kevin's P.O.V~~

"Hey Kev whats up"

"Nothing much." i reply to my friend Jake. We just got off spring break and this school year was coming to an end. Me and Jake have been friends since diaper days and consider each other brothers. We both were single but were saving ourselves for the right girl to come along. As we approached our school building we made small talk about our teachers and how we were gonna act.

"Hey Kev we should totally behave and do all our work to pass school for the rest of this year."

"Yea i totally agree." we stayed silent for 3 seconds before bursting out in a fit of laughter. If anything we knew we would never do that,besides our teachers would probably pass us just to get rid of us. Besides they call me and Jake "The Brothers of Destruction."

The school day was really long and boring as usual. As Jake and i walked home we talked about the rude comments we would tell some people at school on the last day. As we came to our departure streets we made our separate ways home after we said goodbye. I got inside and to my surprise my mom and dad were cooking chicken and broccoli pasta together.They usually do their own things unless something special was happening.

"Hey sweetie" my mom said as she saw me enter with a genuine smile plastered on her face now i was totally creeped out.

"Hey mom, whats going on?" i said trying not to sound to suspicious.

"Oh darling i don't think i can wait any longer" she practically squealed to my dad. "Kevin baby how do you feel about another baby brother!?" she said very cautiously but excitedly. My heart pounded in my ears to me this was wonderful news being the only child and all.

"Thats great mom! " i yell all to excitedly and run and hug my parents. They let out a big oomph as my impact practically filled with over joy and happiness tackled them.

"Great son" my dad finally spoke "we will discuss the details over dinner go get cleaned up." I smiled as i made my way upstairs and thought to myself i really love my family. Nothing they do can have me so upset with them ever, well at least i hope not.


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