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~~~~~~~~Kevin's P.O.V.~~~~~~~

I waited with my eyes closed anticipating what would happen. My heart was beating fast and i was surely sweating. Something in my head told me to open my eyes and see what was going on,but at the moment i couldn't even think about that.

I soon felt a presence in front of me and didn't know if it was real or my conscious being superstitious. I hesitated to open my eyes but something was compelling me to.I finally built up the courage to open my eyes.

When i did there she was, "Bloody Mary." I said aloud for some reason and her head immediately snapped in my direction. Her eyes were blood red her hair black as a raven and her skin looked so pale and soft to the touch. I started backing away slowly and she followed my every move with her eyes.

I soon hit the far end of the bathroom stuck in the corner, and begin to wish this was fake. I even pinched myself a couple of times in the process and she seemed to laugh at this. It wasn't an evil laugh it really sounded like a 16 year old girl and for a minute i really took the chance to examine her. She was beautiful beyond words and i wondered why they all say shes ugly.

She soon flashed away and in seconds she was right in front of me. I jumped surprised at her sudden action. As she got closer i began to smell something so sweet and fresh it intoxicated me and i closed my eyes and inhaled it. She appeared to do the same and i was sure i saw worry and fear mixed with happiness run through her.

Her eyes began to change color to this amazing blue and her stance begin to relax. I also felt myself relax but had this feeling of running to her and holding her tight never letting go. She began to reach out towards me and i got scared again and flinched away causing hurt to strike across her face.

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