Ch. 04

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After lunch— which I didn't eat —The rest of the day was miserable. 

I tried my best to avoid everyone during class. Thankfully, Erika and I don't have our last two classes together though beforehand she tried to talk to me. I was a nervous wreck. Every corner I turned I thought I would run into somebody I knew. Eventually the final bell rang that day and I was able to go home. I ended up asking my aunt to pick me up because I was afraid to confront Erika about what happened earlier with Zayn.

I felt bad, maybe he was just genuinely concerned for me but the problem was we don't know each other and I find it hard to trust someone I barely know. Hell, I failed to properly introduce myself to him. I just want to save myself from embarrassment. That evening I spent my time alone in my room, however, my phone was blowing up left and right with calls from Erika, Kim and Rachel. I kept the news on with my TV while I sat in my desk chair, depressed out of my mind.

Another call attempt from Erika— the last one was from zero point two seconds ago. I let out an annoyed sound and rested my head on my desk. I tried to tune into my hometown's local news channel. Blocking out the persisting incoming phone calls coming from my phone but nothing was working.

I stare at my bulletin board hanging on the wall with all of my newspaper clippings and a photo of my parents from the evidence I've tried to collect and let out an exhausted sigh. Then finally, a knock comes to save me from my downward spiral. I slightly panic thinking that it's Erika, I'm just hoping it's anybody but her right now.

"Who is it?" I called out cautiously.

"Adara, sweetheart? Are you okay? I haven't seen you since we got home. It's almost time for dinner, can I come in?" A familiar voice calls out.

I recognize the voice and it's not Erika, thankfully... It's my aunt. But regardless of who it is, confrontation is not on my to do list for the day.

I let out a sigh of relief then got up and walked over to open the door. There she was, my loving carefree, Aunt Jules.

"Hey," She says. 

She stands a bit awkwardly by the door while I stand awkwardly by my desk. I'm worried about speaking to her. I still haven't explained why I wasn't here this morning. I can't avoid the question much longer.

"Hey..." I sheepishly replied.

"Where were you this morning? I went to wake you up for your first day and you weren't here." Aunt Jules questioned.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to worry you. I couldn't sleep last night so I decided to just head to school early and walk there instead." I answered.

Her eyes looked at me with disbelief.

"I'm sorry what? You walked?" She questioned further, clearly skeptical of the decisions I made. I wince a bit. "Adara, you live almost three miles away from school. What's going on? Why did you walk?"

"I-it's nothing, don't worry about it." I say sheepishly.

She frowns. "Oh no, no you don't! Not on my watch missy. It's not just nothing, you can't fool me. I know that look in your eyes." She says.

"W-what?" I'm honestly shocked, unsure of how she would know already.

"You heard me. Something's bothering you. That's the look of 'Help, I'm dreading something slash dying on the inside'!." My aunt puts her hands on her hips, "So tell me, what's going on?"

'Damn, she's good.' I thought.

I knew now that avoiding this would solve nothing. There was no way I can back out of this.

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