Chapter Twenty-Nine (part two)

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Emilia rose early. She actually shot awake, which was very unlike her. Mopsy was quite disturbed by it, letting out a groan and burying his head back under the covers.

She opted not to ring for Prudence. After last night, she feared there would be an interrogation awaiting her. This was exactly why she must be diligent this morning in both of her chores: first, she would refuse Sir Anthony's proposal and then she would more plainly refuse Mr. Byrne's... Would it be his fourth proposal? And what if he didn't even make one?

Nonsense. Of course he would. He'd threatened as much in the midst of all his flirting last night... and she was not looking forward to more of it, she reminded herself sternly.

The first would obviously be a bit easier, as she couldn't imagine Sir Anthony taking it badly. At the very least, she would probably be kinder to him than the real Miss Crewe would be. Most of her suitors went walking off in high dudgeon. Sir Anthony was a pleasant man, despite what Miss Marbury thought. Really, for all Emilia knew, his words about Miss Marbury had been a compliment. More men preferred her sort of figure than she knew. At any rate, she was certain Sir Anthony would take it well.

Mr. Byrne, however... While she didn't think he'd take it badly, she didn't think he'd take her seriously — especially not after she'd gone and laid that kiss on him yesterday.

Still, it had to be done. No matter what he said. No matter how persuasive, charming, tempting... No! Nothing about him was tempting because, as she needed to remind herself, nothing he said was for her, not really.

Except perhaps the stuff about her eyes...

She grunted as she tried to contort herself into getting the remainder of her buttons done up the back. She'd managed the underthings and done as many buttons as she could on the light green muslin before twisting it around. How she wished she'd adjusted Prudence's dresses as she'd done for Charity, with hooks and buttons up the sides and front. Prudence would likely prefer dressing without aid. Then again, that might mean Prudence would dress only as she wished and Emilia would likely be out of a job, so perhaps she'd best leave it be.

She froze at a knock on the door. Good Lord, had Prudence opted to rise this early? It was still half-dark!

"Miss Crewe? It's Evie."

"Oh, thank goodness," she gasped, gratefully dropping her arms. "Come in."

"I've just come up to collect our furry friend," Evie announced merrily.

Mopsy let out a whine and burrowed further under the blankets.

"As you see, he's not quite ready. Could you please..." Emilia gestured helplessly to her back.

"O' course!" Evie rushed to help her. "You sure you wouldn't rather have Miss Finch?"

"No," Emilia said quickly. "I didn't want to wake her just because I made the mistake of rising too early."

"Well, that's very kind of you. And she could probably do with a bit of a lie-in. She had a wee bit more brandy last—" Evie stopped. "Er, I mean... Not too much, I'm certain."

"I assure you, I have no intention of chiding Miss Finch about having a little more to drink." She had more concerns about what Prudence might have said at last night's little 'table of truth' after she'd left. "Dear Miss Finch. She does love a bit of brandy now and then. And when she over-indulges, she says the oddest things. How it makes me laugh." She dredged up a little giggle. "Did she say anything particularly amusing?"

"Not sure if I'd call it amusin' myself. But she was awful curious. All done!"

"Curious?" Emilia repeated, moving to the dressing table and taking a seat, trying to look very nonchalant as she picked up a hairbrush. "Whatever about?"

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