Chapter 2

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I sank into the darkness, unable to escape

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I sank into the darkness, unable to escape. The fog enveloped me, chilling my bones. A faint laughter echoed through the mist. I recognized it instantly - the little boy's infectious giggles.

My heart racing, I followed the sound. The alley stretched before me like a twisted maze."Where are you?" I called out, my voice trembling.

The laughter stopped. I spun around, disoriented.That's when I saw him. His eyes, once bright and full of life, were now black as coal.

"Find me," he whispered, his voice barely audible.I reached out, but he vanished into thin air.

The whispers began, a cacophony of guilt and despair. "You lost me... You forgot..."

My own voice screamed back: "I remember! I'll find you!"

I jolted awake, drenched in sweat, my heart pounding. Gasping for breath, I sat up in bed. The room seemed to spin around me. What was real? What was just a dream?

I glanced around, taking in the familiar contours of my bedroom. That's when I saw it - a faint drawing on my bedside table.

A child's scribble of a boy. My mind reeled. Did I draw that? I picked up my phone, checking the voice mail. A whispered phrase made my blood run cold.

"I'm waiting."

Who was this? And how did they know? Panic set in, my thoughts racing. Why was I having these nightmares? What happened to him? Why did I forget him? The questions swirled in my head like a vortex.

I threw off the covers and got out of bed. I had to find answers. I had to find him. But where did I even start?

The darkness outside seemed to press in, as if watching me. I shivered, feeling vulnerable. And then, I saw it. A shadowy figure lingered outside my window.

I froze, my heart skipping a beat. Had I seen someone standing outside my window?

I approached the curtains cautiously, my senses on high alert. The room seemed to shrink, the shadows cast by the fading light twisting into ominous shapes.

Slowly, I pulled back the curtain, my eyes scanning the darkness. Nothing. No one.

I exhaled, my tension easing. But then, a faint rustle caught my attention. Leafs blowing in the wind? Or something else?

I peered deeper into the darkness, my pulse quickening. A figure? No, just a tree branch. My grip on the curtain tightened. What if...?

Suddenly, the streetlamp outside flickered to life, casting an eerie glow. I gasped. A shadowy figure stood just beyond the light's reach. My breath caught. Was I seeing things?

I blinked.

The figure vanished.My heart still racing, I stepped back, the curtain slipping from my grasp.

Had I imagined it? Or was someone really out there? Watching me? Waiting? The room seemed to darken, as if the shadows themselves were closing in.

I spun around, my back against the window, eyes scanning the room. Every creak of the apartment sounded like footsteps. Every shadow seemed to move.

I forced myself to breathe. It was just my imagination. But the feeling persisted. Someone was watching.

I darted to the door, locking it with shaking hands.

The sound of the deadbolt clicking into place offered little comfort. Suddenly, my phone buzzed on the nightstand. An unknown number. My heart sank.

"No one's there," I whispered to myself.

But what if...? Trembling, I picked up the phone.



"Hello?" I repeated.

A faint whisper: "I'm still waiting."

My blood ran cold.

"Who is this?" I demanded.

The line went dead.

I stood frozen, phone still clutched in my hand.

The room seemed to shrink further.


I was trapped.

Suddenly, the light flickered. And died. Plunging me into darkness.

Exhaustion finally claimed me, despite the lingering fear. I collapsed onto my bed, the darkness outside mirroring the emptiness within. My mind replayed the eerie events, but my body succumbed to fatigue.

Sleep wrapped around me like a shroud, a fragile escape from the terror. Yet, even as I drifted off, I sensed the darkness watching.


For me to let my guard down.

To slip into vulnerability.

But for now, I slept. Unaware of the shadows that crept closer. Unaware of the eyes that watched. Unaware of the silence that would soon be shattered.


As I step out into the sunshine, the warm rays dance across my face, and I can't help but smile. I make my way to the cozy cafe, feeling the gentle heat of the sun-kissed sidewalk beneath my feet. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and baked goods wafts out, enticing me to enter. Inside, the cafe is filled with the soft hum of conversation and the clinking of cups, creating a cozy ambiance. I settle into a comfortable seat by the window, feeling the sun's warmth streaming in, and ordered my favoutite frappuccino with extra whipped cream on it.

I sat nestled in the cozy cafe, surrounded by the gentle hum of conversation and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. My eyes drifted out the window, watching as people rushed by, oblivious to my existence.

My mind, however, was elsewhere. The nightmares still lingered, like a shadow in the corner of my mind. His voice haunted me - those black eyes, that whispered plea: "Find me."

I sipped my latte, the warmth spreading through my hands, but bringing no comfort. My thoughts swirled, a jumbled mix of memories and questions. What happened to him? Why did I forget him? Who's behind the mysterious messages?

The cafe's background noise - clinking cups, muted laughter - faded into the background as I delved deeper into my thoughts. I felt disconnected, lost in a world that seemed to move forward without me.

My gaze drifted around the cafe, taking in the eclectic decor - vintage posters, rustic wooden tables. A couple in the corner held hands, their love radiating like a warm glow. A lone businessman typed away on his laptop, his expression a mask of focus.

I felt like an outsider, observing life through a foggy lens. My own life, once full of promise, now seemed stalled. The past lingered, a constant reminder of what I'd lost.

As I sat there, suspended between past and present, a shiver ran down my spine. I sensed being watched. My eyes scanned the cafe, but no one seemed out of place.

Just paranoia, I told myself. But the feeling persisted, a nagging voice in the back of my mind.


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