chapter 6

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I stood in the shadows, eyes fixed on Amelia as she danced with rachel at Club Eclipse

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I stood in the shadows, eyes fixed on Amelia as she danced with rachel at Club Eclipse. Her laughter and smile mesmerized me.

As I watched Amelia, my thoughts wandered.

She's breathtaking.

Rays of light danced across her face, highlighting the contours of her cheeks. Her smile could light up a room. And her eyes. Sparkling like diamonds. Full of life. Full of joy.

I'd do anything to keep that smile on her face.

Protect her.

Cherish her.

Love her.

The thought caught me off guard. But it felt right. Amelia's innocence and kindness drew me in. Her strength and resilience inspired me.

And her beauty.

Inside and out. Left me breathless. I'd never met someone like her. Pure. Unblemished.

Unaware of the darkness that lurked in this world. And I'd keep it that way. For as long as I could.

My gaze lingered on her.

Drinking in every detail. The way her hair cascaded down her back. The gentle curve of her neck. The sparkle in her eyes. The way her lips curled upward. The gentle flush on her cheeks. My heart swelled with emotion.

I'd protect her.

With every fiber of my being.

No matter the cost.

For the first time in years, something awakened within me. A sense of purpose. A reason to breath and to live. Only for her.

My train of thought was interrupted when i saw Amelia collide with someone. Tall, imposing, and clearly intoxicated.

My instincts flared as his hands lingered on Amelia's hips. Too long. Too tight. I could sense her discomfort.

Rachel intervened, but the stranger refused to back down.

My gaze narrowed.

I locked eyes with the stranger. A piercing stare. His smile faltered. He sensed danger. His eyes darted around, searching for an escape.

I took a step forward.

My presence commanded attention. The stranger's face paled. He released Amelia, backing away slowly.

Without a word.

I watched him retreat.

My eyes never left him. Until he disappeared into the crowd. Only then did I turn back to Amelia.

She was laughing with Rachel. Unaware of the danger that had just passed. My heart swelled with protectiveness. I'll always be here. Watching.


Ensuring her safety. Unseen. Unnoticed. But always there. For her.

I pulled out my phone and dialed Ethan's number, my mind still reeling from the encounter at Club Eclipse.

Ethan answered on the first ring, his voice crisp and alert.


"I need information," I said, my tone low and urgent.

"About?" Ethan's curiosity was piqued.

"The bastard who dared to touch whats mine," I growled, my anger simmering just below the surface.

Ethan's tone shifted from casual to alert.

"Description?" he asked, his pen scratching against paper.

"Over six feet, dark hair, black shirt. He was at Club Eclipse."

"I'm on it," Ethan said, his voice confident.

"Find out everything," I ordered.

"Name, address, phone records. I want to know what he even had for breakfast."

"Consider it done," Ethan replied.

"And Ethan?" I added.


"I want him watched."

"Twenty-four seven," Ethan confirmed.

"Make sure he doesn't breathe without us knowing."

"Understood," Ethan said.

I could almost hear Ethan's nod.

"Keep me updated," I said.

"Always," Ethan replied.

The line went dead.

I slipped my phone back into my pocket, my eyes scanning the club.

Amelia was laughing with Rachel, oblivious to the storm brewing around her. But I was aware. And I would ensure her safety.

At all costs.

Ethan was more than just a friend; he was my right-hand man. A skilled investigator with a talent for uncovering secrets. Together, we'd built a network of allies and informants. People who owed us favors. People who feared us. Ethan would leave no stone unturned.

He'd dig until he uncovered the truth. About the stranger. About his motives. And I'd take care of the rest.

My gaze lingered on Amelia.

She was radiant. Unaware of the danger lurking in the shadows. Unaware of the protector watching over her.

But I knew.

And I would keep her safe. No matter what. As I watched, Amelia's eyes met mine.

For a fleeting moment.

A spark of recognition. A hint of curiosity. I looked away. Hiding my interest.

Concealing my emotions.

But Ethan's words echoed in my mind:

"You're playing with fire, Alessandro."

"Amelia's not just any woman."

"She's the kind that changes you."


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