Chapter 18

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Brielle bit her lip as another needle threaded through her leg, lacing her skin shut.

You're going to bleed out in front of Dawn and Duncan. It's happening right now. It's dripping down your thigh. The voice warned in her head.

"Please stop," Brielle whimpered. The pair of robotic arms continued to meticulously weave the skin together. She tried to keep her eyes open in defiance, but she could not bear to watch.

"We are almost finished," ARCHER voiced.

"You're doing great," Emrin added.

"You didn't stitch that close together enough," Dawn pointed out while hovering over her leg.

"Thank you for your insight, Ms. Rays. I hope someday my processor is as precise as your human mind," ARCHER responded. Brielle laughed, before grimacing again with the next poke of the needle.

"Something's defiantly broken in you cause my ankle is fine," Duncan interjected from the adjacent table.

"Mr. Bearinger, your ankle has swelled two centimeters since you limped into my lab," ARCHER flatly corrected.

"I just need sleep," he yawned. Brielle opened her eyes to look at the robotic arms plunging from the Council building's ceiling to address his ankle. She traced her eyes from the arms to the bubble of purple, red, and grey surrounding his ankle. The IV pumping numbing medicine into Duncan's arm must have gone to his head.

"ARCHER's done, Brielle," Emrin voiced in her ear. Unthinkingly, she looked down at her legs. The sliced one was all cleaned except for a red line and clear stitches. She finally relaxed her shoulders, collapsing onto the paper over the examination table.

"Do you think you could take me to my sister now?" Dawn speedily asked. Brielle's eyes stayed open to peer up at Dawn's reddened, fearful, yet determined eyes.

"Well, I assume Cyrus is interrogating her or something. But I don't even know where those rooms are," Brielle had a guess, but was never allowed over there. Dawn bit her lip slightly as worry crept along her face.

"You'll be fine Dawn. They won't incriminate you for whatever your sister did. I've had family members taken away and they never busted me," Duncan assured. Brielle widened her eyes.

"If your ankle is broken, I don't know what I'll tell the Council," Dawn whispered.

"See those are stupid reasons to worry. I'll be fine after they inject me with some Enhanced super-serum that'll grow my bones back; Andrea is a horrible person getting what she deserves. No reason to lose sleep over this," he brushed off as he took a sip of his water cup. Dawn rolled her eyes.

"Perhaps not Mr. Bearinger. Your lower tibia has been severed to the point that the bone is no longer connected. Luckily, it is not shattered, but your expected recovery will range anywhere from six to ten weeks," ARCHER informed without emotion, which was normal but it stabbed her chest. Brielle nervously looked at Dawn, whose eyebrows raised together in horror and shock.

"What." Duncan's dagger of a tongue spat. Brielle drew her lips together.

"Also, to my knowledge, we have not invented an 'Enhanced super-serum.' But when we do, your name will be first on the testing list. My presence is needed elsewhere. Brielle will escort you out of the Council building now," ARCHER retracted the metal arms into the ceiling. No one spoke. Duncan's pale, shallow face reddened to match his hair. He bit the inside of his cheek hard, before chucking his water cup across the room and throwing his hands in the air. She completely tensed. Having never experienced Liam act this way, even when he was overwhelmed, she did not know what to so much less say. The lighting in the room grew brighter, blindingly brighter.

"Emrin?" Brielle whispered, closing her eyes.

"ARCHER is with Liam and it's definitely not me," she responded.

"They'll think I lied to them. My family is going to be ruined." Dawn cracked into a quiet cry.

"Brielle. Here is your chance. They both need you," Emrin's voice rose above the growing light.

"They won't think you lied. I can talk to Liam, um Code, for you. He'll help your family. And he can find a physical therapist for you, Duncan." She debated rubbing her classmate's back or hugging her. She didn't know which was more comforting or if she'd be overstepping. Duncan scoffed as he punched his bed. Dawn then shook her head. The lights dimmed. Dawn still would not face her, but her hysterical voice continued.

"No, you don't understand. I promised them information in exchange for allowing Duncan to compete. But now, they have Andrea, and she'll take the fall and I swear I wasn't going to include her when I handed over the photos. I promised myself I would keep her out of it. But now we'll both be exiled! I can't fight! I'll only hold her back until I become deadweight and get myself or both of us killed. And during all this! Dad is going to be alone. He barely survived when Mom died," her voice cracked through every word. "There has to be a bright side," Dawn whimpered with her back still to Brielle. Duncan palmed his head in frustration but was uncharacteristically quiet. The room dimmed again along with Dawn's shoulders. Brielle inhaled as an idea formed in her head.

"Did you tell them Duncan's name?" she asked.

"What?" Dawn turned her head to barely look her in the eye.

"Did you tell the Council Duncan's name!" Brielle asserted.

"I don't think—no I didn't."

"Okay, so they think some Enhanceless is showing up in two days to present their act of heroic service. What if someone other than Duncan showed up? We don't know if Andrea will be busted, for whatever you're talking about. But until then, you have to keep up appearances. They won't know about this change." Her heart began racing.

What are you suggesting?! Dawn will laugh at you. You will make everything worse than it is already! Her mental voice raged.

"Who did you have in mind?" Dawn's watery eyes rose.

Don't say it. Her brain pleaded.

"I would be willing?" she hesitantly stated. Dawn's eyes fluttered.

"Well, that's um. Well. Thank you. That is very considerate," Dawn's eyes darted away from her. Brielle grimaced from putting her leg down.

"I have the training. I am the only Enhanceless at school other than Duncan who's in those fighting classes. And I stood my ground with Andrea until my leg was—" Brielle listed as her eyes glowed with optimism.

"Do you have an act of heroic service you can present?" Dawn interrupted. Brielle paused.

"Yes. I helped with the capture of Bolt Chi. They were all witnesses," Brielle responded, a tad offended.

"Oh, of course. That's pretty undeniable," Dawn held her hands fearfully. No other words followed. Brielle died a little more with every passing second.

"I am grateful for you trying to help. But considering your family history being the reason we're in this situation—" Dawn's voice rose as if she asked a question.

Brielle peered over at Duncan, mostly looking for support, but he still looked lost in his own world. Despite his shallow face, his mischievous eyes always seemed so lively. Now he appeared more drained than possible, with a glint of anger behind his eyes. Brielle returned her attention to Dawn.

Brielle, biting her cheek, balling her fists, and straightening her back, smiled.

"I understand," Brielle offered. She turned on her heel and exited the room.

"Brielle," Emrin began.

"Call the car," she ordered, anger seeping through her words. 

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