Chapter 4

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The trio looks forward and sees the destruction of Training Ground 0. Monsters are everywhere, destroying everything they see. Ryo thinks back to his Strategic Scenarios with Rina.


Rina: "In any chaotic situation, the first step is to assess the environment. Understand the threats and locate the civilians. Prioritize their safety above all."


Ryo scans his surroundings to see where exactly the monsters are and where the civilians are.

Ryo: "Most of the monsters are being fought near that little park! Kenji, can you go help the other examinees?"

Kenji: "Course I can!"

Ryo: "Civilians are being escorted to nearby buildings to take cover! Aiko, can you provide support?"

Aiko: "Sounds like a plan."

Kenji: "What are you going to do Ryo?"

Ryo: "I'll... go help wherever I'm needed!"

Kenji: "Come back alive guys!"

Kenji's legs glow a dim blue as he uses his stored kinetic energy to leap from building to building, Aiko dives off the rooftop and spreads her wings to dive down below, and Ryo... takes the latter down to the street. Ryo reaches the bottom and starts running down the street. The streets are littered with cars flipped upside down, small craters, and ash all over the streets. Ryo notices a group of kids trapped behind steel beams. 

Children: "Someone help us please!!"

Ryo sprints toward the steel beams and puts his hands on the ends of the beam. Using all his strength he pulls.

Ryo: "COME ON...."

The beams slightly move inch by inch, and eventually, are moved out of the way.

Children: "Thank you Mr. Vanguard!" the children run away towards the other people running to safety.

Ryo stands there, still. Looking down at his hands.

Ryo: "I... I did it. I saved someone... Jobs not done though." he says as he sprints down the street to try and help more people.

Kenji is seen leaping from roof to roof and crashing through windows until he reaches a small park. Other examinees are fighting the monsters.  As one of the other examinees is distracted, a monster grabs onto him.


Just as when the monster opens its mouth to bite, the monster gets kicked in the face and is blown into the side of a store next to the park. Kenji lands and sticks his hand out for the examinee.

Kenji: "You guys need some help?"

The examinee nods in approval and grabs his hand to stand up.

Aiko is soaring through the skies with her wings, as she looks down and surveys the streets, she sees a couple being cornered by 3 medium-sized monsters. Aiko dives down like a hawk, quickly switches her wings, and transforms her hands into lion paws. She lands on the asphalt and sprints toward the first monster's legs and slashes them, making it fall. Aiko then leaps up and slits its throat.

Aiko: "One down."

The second monster roars out of retaliation, charging directly to Aiko. Aiko also charges forward and transforms her lower half into a kangaroo, kicking the second monster into a wall, and knocking it out. The third monster attempts to run away but Aiko changes her arms into electric eels and wraps them around the neck of the monster and electrocutes it to death.

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