I swear to god...

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So...ANOTHER creator of a popular show just got convicted of...being a total creep, and it was the creator of a show I really did like, Mighty Magiswords. I think the show is really fun and cool.

I personally really endorse the saying of "removing the art from the artist," but when it's something THAT horrible, it'll be hard to forget.

I just...CAN PEOPLE STOP BEING WEIRDOS??? I SWEAR TO GOD! I CAN'T ENJOY ONE SINGLE THING WITHOUT SOMEONE BEHIND IT BEING A PERVERT! Well, I mean, I didn't watch stuff like Drake and Josh or ICarly or whatever, and I didn't watch the YouTuber who got convicted/ accused of terrible crimes, but NOW it's much more personal. Now I can't really enjoy this.

If you want, search it up at your own risk, because I don't want to trigger anyone. I'm just gonna say that the authorities found something REAL creepy and REAL bad. I just wanted to vent. I actually wasn't even surprised by this news because it's become so common. Which is HORRID, and it should STOP.

Way to ruin a morning...sorry.

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