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A big old house

I stormed into the basement, my eyes fixed on the two men tied with chains

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I stormed into the basement, my eyes fixed on the two men tied with chains. Luca wisely stepped aside, knowing better than to intervene.

"Tell me your boss's name and who gave the order to kill him two years ago," I demanded, my patience wearing thin.

The men's eyes were half-open, their gazes darting between me and Luca. "We don't know, we just got orders from our leader," one of them stammered. "We shot him, but I don't know who gave the order."

My frustration mounted.

I had already killed their leader in New York, leaving a note for Lucifer, but he hadn't taken action. "Tell me who gave the order, or I'll show you hell," I warned, my voice cold and menacing. "Even if I kill you, you'll rot in hell."

The other man pleaded, "Leave me, please. I don't know anything."

I closed my eyes, my anger boiling over. "Tell me, I know you're lying."

I walked over to a table laden with weapons - guns, knives, daggers, and acid. I picked up a dagger, its blade glinting in the dim light.

I approached one of the men, tearing off his forearm sleeve to reveal an eagle tattoo.

My eyes narrowed. "You're lying. You're one of Lucifer's men." I cut into his arm, just above the tattoo, and he screamed in agony. "How dare you lie to me?"

I moved the dagger to his collarbone, a smirk playing on my face as he begged for mercy.

His screams echoed through the basement, his flesh torn, his blood dripping onto the ground.

I hadn't tortured anyone in the last two days, too busy traveling from New York to India.

Yesterday, I had visited Shaik's mansion, and today was my third day in India. I was determined to get to the bottom of this, no matter what it took.

I took acid from the table and poured it on another man's chest.

He is screaming in pain, which is music to my ears. I torture my enemies for fun. I'm a heartless bitch 24-year-old who doesn't give a damn about others' feelings.

I took a dagger and peeled his chest skin like an onion.

"You know my hands are itching to shoot both of you, but I prefer to torture. I know you won't reveal Lucifer's real name because you're loyal to your boss..." I said, cutting his nails. My guards' faces are pale, gazing at me in my devil Queen form. Yes, I am the Devil Queen, a Queen without a crown. I wield the power that makes everyone shiver, a power that surpasses what a queen can hold.

I'm fcking devil Queen of my domain

They're screaming in pain as I take out their nails one by one.

They're puking blood from their mouths - eww,

A LOVE IN THE TIME OF CHASO [ Royal Obsession ]Where stories live. Discover now