127-VeggieTales! The Old Testament Part 2 Moses!

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Pharaoh's Daughter came Down to Have her Bath in the Nile!. She opened The basket When she did, Moses was Crying! 😢! At once She felt Sorry for Him!.

Then at that Time and moment Moses older Brother Aaron who Had been Staying hidden by The Rivers edge Being near it's Reeds suddenly Came towards Her !. Saying "Do you Want one of the Israelite women to come Help you out with My younger Brother for you?" He asked Her!.

Bata wanted To keep His brother! Aaron ran to get His Mommy !.

"Here I have found Your Son Moses here," Bata said "You can have Him and care about him for Me!" She told her

Aaron Knew that Bata liked bathing in the Nile.! So He put His little Brother Moses inside the Basket and He Went down The Nile staying hidden Among the Reeds, Aaron watched As his Brother went Right into Bata's arms!

Aaron took Moses safely Home!.

Jochebed was so proud 🥹 of Him because he put his Brother before himself!

|So you're Like, a babysitter?

|so How do You like, take Care of one of these Things?

When Moses was Three months old Jochebed could Not keep Him anymore! .

She made a Woven basket of Tar watertight With clay and Rushes then She laid Him into It and hid Him in the Reeds of the River bank . She went home In tears 😭! Only her Older daughter Miriam waited Nearby to see What would Happen!

She felt Sorry 😢 for Moses at Once .! "Why," Bata said, It's a Hebrew baby Someone has Left to Die!".

Only Jochebed didn't tell Bata who She was- She was Too happy 😊 at Having saved Her Sons life! So She took Him and looked after Him!.

When Bata saw Him she was so Pleased 😄! With Him that she kept Him As Her own Son she named Him Moses because His name meant that He was Someone who had been Drawn out from the Water!.

The Bible story! Do your parents ever want you to do stuff you don't want to? God wants us to remember that being part of family means putting themselves first you can read about my story in your bible!

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