129-VeggieTales! Do the right thing!

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Clips from the Following
Madame BlueBerry
Esther the girl Who became Queen!

Madame Blueberry!
Suddenly Madame Blueberry wanted What Junior and Annie had.! A happy 😊 Heart! 💜!
Only she Wasn't blue!. She realized How thankful 🥹! She was For everything She did Have-Especially her buddies!

|A thankful heart is a happy heart! That's why we say thanks everyday!

The Bible Story! I don't like being sad! That's why I'm so glad 🙂 I learned to Have a thankful heart! ❤️! Because a thankful heart is a happy heart!

So from inside the whale he prayed and said sorry asking Him for a second chance! That someone was Jonah because He had ignored God's directions! Into the water he went Splash! He was sure that he was going to die!. He was swallowed by the hungry whale! Gulp!

|Oh Lord don't let us Die for this man's sin!

|God is the God of second chances!

He gave them all a second chance!

The Bible Story! And so boys and girls, I hope That you see how Important it is to give everyone a second chance! You can read the real story of me your Bible!

Esther the girl who became queen!
So the next Day she timidly approached the throne. She knew what She had to do! Whatever you want is yours!" So she gathered her courage and said, "Haman has Lied to you about Mordecai!. Mordecai is a good person and his family is my family!" And that is the Story of Esther, the Girl who became Queen and saved her People -all Because she Had the Courage and Faith to do What was Right!

|The battle is Not ours we Look to God above for He will guide us safely through And guard us with his love. 💕!

The Bible Story! You have To be really Brave to do what's Right!. It's important to trust in God's plan and remember That He will never leave your side! You can read my story in your Bible in my Book named after Me!

TSFGAE Book 7 VeggieTales  and Awesome  Bible Adventures!Where stories live. Discover now