Chapter: 23

357 23 3

Minho was stunned to hear the sudden confession from Changbin

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Minho was stunned to hear the sudden confession from Changbin

He decided to let the boy speak his heart out before asking any questions

"I-I...hate Alphas" Changbin whispered

"I hate them...I hate them so much!" He continued while his eyes flared up anger

"They all are f*cking egoistic dogs!!" He yelled while clutching the blanket tightly

Minho couldn't believe his ears what was he even hearing

What had caused Changbin to hate Alphas so much

"Binne...can you please tell me why do you hate Alphas?" Minho asked softly

"DON'T! DON'T SAY THAT WORD!!!" Changbin said while covering his ears tightly

"Binnie...but why?" Minho still tried to ask politely

"I-I...they are the Worst!! Always thinks that they are the ones ruling!!" Changbin mumbled angrily

Minho slightly understood what Changbin was pointing out because it is a tendency of Alphas to be the be the one to guide and protect's their destined responsibility

"Binnie...did something happened with you?" Minho asked softly trying to find out the actual reason for this massive hate

Slowly tears began welling up in Changbin's eyes as he looked at Minho before nodding

Minho felt his heart break at the sight as he quickly wrapped his arms around the boy before whispering "It's can tell me Binnie...I am here to listen"

Changbin gulped as he sobbed over Minho's shoulder before saying "I-I come from a very small pack Minho-ssi..."

Minho hummed as he listened to Changbin's story

"My pack...was poor, didn't had much resources and food....The need for hunting Alphas was the most" He said before sitting upright but Minho still held his hand in support

"When..I wasn't pack thought I will be an asset if I present as an Alpha...because..I was good at hunting......they all wanted me to be one" Changbin mumbled

"B-but...I...lost their all hopes when I presented as a beta...a few months parents abandoned me....while my pack tried to find ways to make me useful" He said while sobbing

On hearing that Changbin's parents abandoned him, Minho couldn't control his tears as he squeezed his hand encouraging to continue

Changbin gulped as he wiped his tears before continuing "somehow...they got to know...that by extreme torture and brain washing.....a beta can be changed into an Alpha...."

Changbin confessed and it was enough for Minho to know what happened next

"Oh..Binnie...I-I am sorry..." Minho whispered softly as he cupped Changbin's cheeks

He leaned into Minho's touch as it ached his whole body to remember the past...

Those days when he was locked in a dark cage getting tortured by Alphas...

Had created a trauma and developed the worst hate within Changbin

"Minho-ssi...don't's not your fault....that this happened with me" Changbin replied while controlling his tears

"Binnie...y-you didn't deserved're a pure could they do this to you?" Minho asked softly while weeping

"I-I...I don't know Minho-ssi...but one day I escaped from that place at night....but they still got informed.....they chased me throughout the forest.... trying to attack me and push me back into that dark prison" He added telling about his unfortunate escape

As Changbin told his story, Minho stunned from shock as a realization hit him....

He remembered that after the nightmare of that wolf,

He always saw a small wolf running in the forest getting chased by big wolves...

That small wolf used to plead to Minho for help...


That wolf was none other than Changbin...

His another dream came true...

Minho wiped his tears before patting Changbin's back to calm him down as he whispered "It's okay Binnie...The past is're here 'safe' with me....I won't let any Alpha harm you...."

Changbin gratefully smiled at Minho's promise as he replied "you gave me a place to live's already more than enough...I-I don't wanna be a burden for you"

Minho immediately shook his head while saying "No.. Binnie you can never be a burden for wolf craves for your, please believe me and be a part of my life"

Changbin smiled as he whispered "your wolf?"

Minho gently nodded as he replied " wolf feels a special bond with you feel the same"

Changbin slightly blushed because he thought this feeling of trust which he had on first seeing minho was just because how pretty the omega was there's a bond actually

A real bond...

"I..felt that too" Changbin shyly whispered making Minho smile

" that means we are a family!" Minho announced happily

Changbin happily nodded but then his expressions changed as he stared at Minho

Minho also stopped celebrating on sensing the pause in Changbin's expression

"Binne..?" He asked politely

"I-I...can't stay here" He whispered sadly

Minho was shocked as he gently asked "But.. why Binnie?"

Changbin gulped before whispering "You're mated Minho-ssi...I can't make you stay away from your husband...just because I have trauma"

Minho sighed as he understood what Changbin was implying

"But Alp-i mean Chan is not a bad person...he would love to have you here with us" Minho tried to explain

"I know Minho-ssi....I know your husband won't won't survive...near his scent..." Changbin mumbled sadly

Minho nodded in understanding as now he was stuck between the decision

He know that he can't leave Changbin....

That poor boy had already suffered so much...

He deserves love and happiness...which Minho can only provide


Then leaving or staying away from Chan made his heart squeeze with pain

He knows he have to make the decision...

But how?


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