Chapter 2

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Very hard, it turns out. It was now 4 am, and not only had I still not found Grandfather, I hadn't gotten my applesauce either.

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

"Grandfather!" I called out. No response. I know he can hear me. He just doesn't want to respond. While Grayson and Jameson seek his approval, I already know I've got it, if begrudgingly. He respects me, I respect him. Most of the time. I also have blackmail, so that does something too.

"1993!" I yelled. Oh. Whoops. I was near Jameson's room. Eh, he can get upset at me later. Surely there was a camera somewhere here.

"I said, 1993, August! I know you hear me, grandfather! Do I need to continue?" Checkmate.

A trapdoor on the ceiling swung open. I hadn't ever noticed it.

I climbed up the ladder. There was going to be hell to pay. I'm not named Lilith, after the demon, for nothing.

There he was, sitting in a desk, looking solemn.

The trapdoor swung closed behind me.

"Before we start this conversation, I'd like to point out I have more information on you than just on the events during 1993."


It's insurance.

This is what I was taught to do, don't blame me.

Grandfather simply raised an eyebrow and gestured for me to sit.

I sat.

"I found the will." I knew he already knew that, but I didn't like the silence. "Why are we essentially disinherited."

Straight to the point. Perfect.

His eyes unfocused, as if he was thinking of a time past.

"You'll learn one day." 

Oh he has got to be kidding. He can't disinherit us then give me that as an explanation!

"August 18." Oh, how I love blackmail.

His eyes narrowed. I shouldn't have been blackmailing my own Grandfather, but... too late. 

"I had a son. Toby. He... well, I suppose you'll find out soon enough." 

That's all I get?

 "I need you to make sure they follow the puzzle."

I didn't bother asking who they were.

"Bringing up Toby doesn't change anything. Gray is under the impression he'll inherit the foundation. It'll break him. Family first, remember?" Damn it. I sounded vulnerable, and like I cared about Grayson. I hated that.

"And I am sorry." My eyebrows flew high up. Did he just apologize? He's really sick, isn't he? "This is something that I have to do. It'll all make sense eventually."

"But-" I started.

"Drop it." He said, using his "I raised you" voice. Jeez. He hadn't used that since the last lawsuit.

"Who were you going to choose? If I hadn't found the will?" I didn't like that question, and I didn't like that I'd said it. It was too late to take it back. I put on a mask of ease. I was fine. I wasn't upset or betrayed. I was fine. And if he wasn't going to tell me if I hadn't found the will, then that was fine too.

He looked at me. "It was either you or Xander."

"Xander should stay out of this." Perhaps that sounded harsh, but Xander is 16. He shouldn't have to deal with this. He's still in school.

"Hmmmm." I got the sense that he was figuring out my motive. The old man has always been perceptive.

Ugh. I was seeming too vulnerable. Time to do something.

"Let's say I do make sure the puzzle is followed. What's in it for me?" I questioned.

He sighed, as if he'd seen this coming.

"You can't possibly expect me to lie to not only my brothers, but to my twin, about this without a price."

He just gave me a stare. I could never tell if that stare was one of disappointment or pride. Maybe a bit of both.

"Bribe, threaten, buy out. It's the Hawthorne way." I said, seeming confident. It's how I was raised. Oh, that's definitely a glimmer of pride in his eyes.

Even if I told myself I didn't care about his approval, I still smiled victoriously inside.

He kept eye contact with me as he reached behind his desk. The corners of his mouth lifted up slightly as he placed a box of applesauce in front of me.  

Oh that sneaky bastard.

He knew what he was doing.

Might as well take advantage of it. If I played this right, I could get even more.

I slowly raised my eyebrow.

Another box. 

My eyebrow went even higher. 

Another. And another.

I managed to raise my eyebrow higher. Was I being greedy?


I was a Hawthorne. Greedy is my middle name. Along with exploitation, bribery, and genius.

"That's four boxes of applesauce." He said.

"I am aware. That's six boxes too little." I was pushing it. What's the worse he could do?

"Last one." He stared me down imperiously.

"Fine, but one condition. The will has set me to inherit 300,000 dollars. I want an explanation, and then I want some changes."

He seemed... almost a bit uncomfortable. Too bad, so sad.

"You've always been my favorite." He started. "Ever since you were little, you had this... drive. You knew what you wanted and knew you would get it. Like Jameson, and sometimes like Grayson." He sighed. "They each have their shortcomings."

I frowned. "Don't talk bad about them to me."

He continued, ignoring me. "You get what you want. You managed to get blackmail on me. You're the perfect example of a Hawthorne, because you're willing to challenge me."

I kept my face passive. I'm not giving him the satisfaction of knowing I was feeling pride. 

"Change it to 250,000.01, and get me an audience with Katharine Payne."

He blinked. I finally caught him off guard.

"Why the one cent?" He questioned, curiosity leaking through.

"I have a bet with Jameson that I'll inherit more."

"Of course you do. And why Katharine Payne?"

"Reasons." I left it at that. What was I supposed to say?

"It shall be done." He pronounced.

"Oh, and you can't just leave money to us. I'd like one of your hotel chains, the antique camera for Grayson, the collection of hats for Nash, the patent you're working on for Xander, and your collection of climbing gear for Jameson."

He stared at me. I know I was being demanding, but I JUST FOUND OUT I WAS DISINHERITED. Give me a break. 

I stared at him. Wow, a stare off. How mature.

"Fine." He gritted out. Oh, how I love the sound of victory.

"Great. See you Saturday."

He nodded, dismissing me.

As I went down the ladder, my heart tightened. 

How much time does he have left?

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